SLC season 21 week 6|| Night make up||

in The Creative Pulse3 months ago

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Greetings and blessings to all my friends

Assalam o alaikum friends welcome to my blog I am @sualeha from Pakistan it's pleasure for me to share my home assignment in last week in season 21 with make up course,we reached at the end of this course,the joyful journey learning by me throughout all course from our lovely teacher and the truth is that I was not good in make I never knew the tips and techniques how to appling correct make up but fortunately

💄 Apply makeup to your eyebrows according to what you learned in the previous modules, looking for a neat and defined result; also, perform the “smokey eyes” shading technique and show the process and results

Friends for eye makeup first and the most essential part that I taught from course correct eye brows shaped for that I used black shade that specifically used eye brows from brush then before starting shading and all of that so guys let's share here how I did my night makeup in which trying to show smoky eyes so here I go...


Before make up


By first I shaped my eye brows with the help of brush and gives neat and perfect shape that I learned from previous classes , prominent upper and lower lines to give eye shadows more attractive.


Then appling conciliang under eyes and uppers eye brows as you shown in images below I blended it by soft brush now ready to appling the tones .

For smoky make up first thing we should appling a black ointment but this time I had no black shadow in my eye shadow kit so I used dark brown shadow that gave a lot pigmentation to the area I did all over the mobile eyelid then, apply a lighter shade as I learned from lesson can see in the second images shown two different tones and blended among others.


Now I reached on next step it's very important blending or burr the both shades until creating a gradient look left eye brows sides .finally I applied the eyeliner, using black for my look, the eyeliner , mascara and also covered black shadow on under eyes near to lower eye lids for more sharp and defined my eyes and enhance the smoky shades .



The final results of my eye makeup

💄 Do a skin makeup for the night, in which you achieve good coverage on the face, and also mattify your skin; you must illuminate the areas that were explained in the class. Also, make up your lips defining them as best as possible; you are free to use soft (nude) or strong tones according to your taste

Skin make up

For night make up you had margin to mattifying your skin thick coverage infact I love to do makeup at night as compared to day infact it would be more settled for long time and Matt looks remains no oily skin or spoiled due to hot ,I am from Pakistan it's usually too hot in day time so mostly gatherings and events held at night time .


As we learned from our lovely teacher the skin make up so I am trying to followed all these techniques l covered my faced from one tone lighter than my completion now the winter season going on so I used foundation which had good coverage by beauty blender and conciliar applied under eyes and dark area that need .


Well the contouring and applying blush on cheeks one of the most significant so I did it ,in my opinion if you had dark shadows eyes the blush tones little bit soft in colour other wise your lips already dark you never achieving a good results,soft tones gives you innocent look .

Lips Make up

Well guys I wanted to wear a black dress so I love to filled my lips with Cherry red shade which were not matt because I need semi glossy look ,for lips I outlines the lips with brush then filled with the same colour in center but one lighter tone,here below I shared college during the activity.


💄Tell us about your experience throughout the modules; what was the most difficult part to do and what you liked and enjoyed the most during these weeks of continuous learning.

Well friends I truly appreciate and really enjoyed the whole course which consistent on 6 weeks,all weeks lessons were very elegantly design by our teacher many good tips and techniques for beginners like me and I proudly said that now I am doing my makeup with confidence and results are better then before .

In first week lesson was about the make up applicators on that week I became frightened when saw that infact I had no proper makeup tools but in third week I bought all necessary applicators brushes because I knew the importance of brushes for achieving correct make up applications.

The best week is the week six ,the night will make up really helpful for me infact iny country most of the occasion are celebrating at night due to extreme weather at day time and smoky make up applications tips step by step really applicable and will buy black eye shadow for that then practice again for this time I had no more black shade that,s why I put dark brown instead of black tone .

The guidance from the teacher not only makeup application also taught us the importance of good quality products, eye on products expiry dates and how to do good take care our makeup tools and products ,I also enjoying the research part in which I searched from Google to find out more about the topic related info for my home task assignments ❤️.

I really like and want to be learn more and more about make up on next level.and love to upgrade my skills on world of make up.My hubby also happy when see my groom look and it's just because of this course so thanks to my lovely, georgious teacher @almacaridad and we definitely see you in season 22 💓I need more guidance........


I added a caption with my username and date, selfie with final result.

I finish I would like to invite my friends @suboohi ,@m-fdo,@pea07 and @nishadi89 to join with week and share with us night make and overall review about this make up course.Contest post link share here

Thanks for reading my blog waiting for your valuable feedback



¡Hola! Que gusto que te hayas animado a participar en el Desafío de Maquillaje.

Observaciones y/o Recomendaciones:

  • Hiciste un grandioso trabajo respecto al maquillaje de ojos; es increíble lo mucho que resalta tu mirada, me gustó mucho el resultado que obtuviste.
  • De igual forma, obtuviste un gran resultado en tu piel, lograste una alta cobertura y gran definición.
  • Me alegra mucho que hayas disfrutado en estas semanas del curso, al igual que tú, en mis inicios también me asusté al conocer todas las herramientas necesarias para maquillar, pero progresivamente vamos adquiriendo todo y se vuelve sencillo. Te deseo mucha suerte y bendiciones 🍀
Pregunta #013.7 / 4 puntos
Pregunta #024 / 4 puntos
Pregunta #032 / 2 puntos
Valor total9.7/10

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I love the shade of the lipstick you used. It enhanced your makeup.
All the best, my friend.

A beautiful and simple makeup. It also goes so well with your skin tone

Thanks dear friend ❤️

Thanks dear for your lovely comment ❤️

Hello dear,
Your makeup look is so beautiful. I can't do makeup so well on my own. Thank you for your invitation. I wish you the best. ❤❤

I also agree with you that we have learned a lot through our teacher's courses. This kind of makeup looks beautiful in night events. Mashallah you look very beautiful.

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