RE: The weather here in my neck of the woods is still warm and brightly blue and not uncomfortably
I know how it feelt to be itchy I had it for the biggest part of my life and walked around like a mummy. The worst (and most dirty) feeling was the creme put on my skin, next bandages, after that a cotton pyjama and next my clothes. It was as if my skin wat rotten and I smelled myself so once a bit older I decided to skip that cream. I still smell at whatever it is I know if I am allergic.
Back then they told me to use ice cubes that really hurt so later I used cold stones on the itchy spots which partly helped (a few minutes after that the stone felt hot and I had to switch it). Lik,e you I also figured out that "hot" works better but also fights skin infections or spots that don't heal (at times I have a bump after a wound and it takes years to disappear and antibiotics don't help so I no longer take it).
I know people find it weird but I learned from a Reiki master that heath can be fought with fire and that's what itching is or feels in some way and why I also like to sit in front of a fire. 😀
People find it strange but it makes me feel way better next to that I can't stand the cold. I believe if it comes to it I have more in common with a reptile and it's better to hibernate and wake up when the sun shines again.
Thanks for showing the bag. I believe it's a better quality than what we buy here. They already fall apart if I save them too long or if a bit sunlight shines on it. It's the same for those you can freeze food in it always drips through it.