RE: The weather here in my neck of the woods is still warm and brightly blue and not uncomfortably
I too wash with cold water and I hate it but it's the best/fastest/cheapest or whatever you call it way. I rather sit in a hot tub though but the house is too cold and at the time that tub is full the water is cold.
I use hot water bags too, we all do. We take one in bed if needed and at daytimes if it's cold one on the lap and if you place your hands on it you can warm them as well. It also helps to relief pain so it's a good and simple thing.
If my feet are very cold it's faster to put them in a bucket with hot water and that's perphaps what you should do too if your wash with cold water.
If the sun is still warm I wonder if a tank or black bag filled with water and warmed by the sun can help showering. Can be it's not enough but at least the water won't be that cold. They use those bags also for camping, no need for electricity and such.
I use something like this they last for many years and many people use it. Just filling it with water can be a bit dangerous if there's air in it.
camping shower might be a solution and there are different types.
I don't think 30 minutes in the bathroom is long. Those I know all to seem to be there for ages unlike me. That endless shivering in bed is terrible as well.
Although you say that you can handle the cold and still manage I do believe you should see if you can find a solution to have a bit warmer water because at the time you can no longer stand it, it might be too late and it does affect your health. I also think it might help your mom by not always putting the kettle on and taking care of those extra preparations.
I wonder about the type of plastic bag you use to fill with hot water since the plastic we have here will not keep the water inside and I wouldn't know how to tight it that the water won't escape.
By the way for the animals in the shelter I ran I used bottles (glass) and filled them with hot water and wrapped a cloth or pillow case or diaper around it like indeed is done with babies. It did help to keep them warm or at least warmer than without.
I wish you a warm day/night without cold water.
This is what I am referring to Miss @wakeupkitty

It has been a very important part of my overall well-being because I would use it to warm my limbs back up again after a very early morning shower despite I use warm water prepared by my mother prior to using the bathroom, but because I end-up using more water from the tap, it will make my hands and feet cold.
One primary cause of my need to use hot compress in this way, it relives the possible skin part that would potentially itch during my dialysis treatment. It is very uncomfortable if I would itch when hooked-up at dialysis so in order to avoid it, I use this method of relatively hotter hot compress technique. In that way I will not scratch and cause more itch if not infections.
As I described, I would put it inside a thin cloth like a baby pillow case or even a big handkerchief and apply it in cold hands, feet , and skin part that have an itch.
I actually discovered that technique many years ago when my Phosphorus levels are very high causing skin itching as if ants and spiders are crawling on my skin. Little that I knew nor it was made aware that a high level of phosphorus causes it.
That is why until now I do not drink Coke, Pepsi, or other Colas as these have Phosphoric acid which is bad for the bones, I also do not consume powdered drinks may it be healthy drink or instant orange juice because they have Phosphates. Too much phosphates is bad for me as it will exacerbate my condition called Secondary Hyperparathyroidism that cased my physical deformity and handicap.
So anyway, I discovered that if I would use hot water, placing it inside the plastic that I showed you, and placing it inside a thin cloth and dab it to the itchy part of my skin, I will fee a considerable relief especially before I go to the dialysis clinic.
Not many people or patients knows this I say technique but me because I discovered it out of a need to solve a peculiar problem before that nobody around can help.
Now I am controlling my Phosphorus levels and it is now within normal levels because I am following a strict diet and using phosphate binders which is just Calcium carbonate supplement. 😀👍
I know how it feelt to be itchy I had it for the biggest part of my life and walked around like a mummy. The worst (and most dirty) feeling was the creme put on my skin, next bandages, after that a cotton pyjama and next my clothes. It was as if my skin wat rotten and I smelled myself so once a bit older I decided to skip that cream. I still smell at whatever it is I know if I am allergic.
Back then they told me to use ice cubes that really hurt so later I used cold stones on the itchy spots which partly helped (a few minutes after that the stone felt hot and I had to switch it). Lik,e you I also figured out that "hot" works better but also fights skin infections or spots that don't heal (at times I have a bump after a wound and it takes years to disappear and antibiotics don't help so I no longer take it).
I know people find it weird but I learned from a Reiki master that heath can be fought with fire and that's what itching is or feels in some way and why I also like to sit in front of a fire. 😀
People find it strange but it makes me feel way better next to that I can't stand the cold. I believe if it comes to it I have more in common with a reptile and it's better to hibernate and wake up when the sun shines again.
Thanks for showing the bag. I believe it's a better quality than what we buy here. They already fall apart if I save them too long or if a bit sunlight shines on it. It's the same for those you can freeze food in it always drips through it.