Portrait of Farmer's Life Story Behind the Camera Lens

in CCS6 days ago

Hello Steemian in CCS Community Everyone

How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are

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Who says finding beauty is difficult? With a little patience and attention to detail, we can find magic in simple things, such as the daily activities of farmers.

Siapa bilang menemukan keindahan itu sulit? Dengan sedikit kesabaran dan ketelitian, kita bisa menemukan keajaiban dalam hal-hal sederhana, seperti aktivitas sehari-hari para petani.

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Remember a friend's message, I always try to find unique moments in every shot. This time, I pointed my lens at the life of the rice fields. The sound of water flowing through the rice fields, the gurgling of water wetting the soil, and the cheerful laughter of the farmers became my accompaniment when I hunted for images.

Ingat pesan seorang teman, saya selalu berusaha untuk mencari momen-momen unik dalam setiap jepretan. Kali ini, saya mengarahkan lensa pada kehidupan sawah. Suara riuh air mengaliri sawah, gemricik air yang membasahi tanah, dan tawa ceria para petani menjadi iringan saat saya berburu gambar.

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However, being a 'street' photographer is not always easy. Unpredictable weather, changing light, and moments that sometimes do not match expectations are challenges in themselves. However, every difficulty faced is always paid off when you succeed in capturing precious moments.

Namun, menjadi seorang fotografer ‘jalanan’ tidak selalu mudah. Cuaca yang tak menentu, cahaya yang berubah-ubah, hingga momen yang kadang tak sesuai ekspektasi menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Tapi, setiap kesulitan yang dihadapi selalu terbayar lunas ketika berhasil mengabadikan momen berharga.

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From this experience, I learned that photography is not only about operating the camera, but also about capturing the emotions and stories behind each image. Hopefully this story can inspire you to be more sensitive to the beauty around us.

Dari pengalaman ini, saya belajar bahwa fotografi tidak hanya tentang mengoperasikan kamera, tapi juga tentang menangkap emosi dan cerita di balik setiap gambar. Semoga cerita ini bisa menginspirasi Anda untuk lebih peka terhadap keindahan di sekitar kita.

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Well, I tried to capture the lives of farmers in the rice fields. With a camera in hand, I wandered around the rice fields, observing every detail, from the dewdrops on the rice leaves to the cheerful smiles of the farmers.

Nah, Saya mencoba mengabadikan kehidupan para petani di sawah. Dengan kamera di tangan, saya berkeliling sawah, mengamati setiap detail, dari tetesan embun di daun padi hingga senyum ceria para petani.

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Through the lens of the camera, I want to show how beautiful a simple life is. Every drop of sweat that drips, every smile that is carved, is real evidence of hard work and the spirit of life.

Melalui lensa kamera, saya ingin menunjukkan betapa indahnya kehidupan sederhana. Setiap tetes keringat yang menetes, setiap senyum yang terukir, adalah bukti nyata tentang kerja keras dan semangat hidup.

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Hopefully these photos can inspire us all to appreciate the hard work of others and the beauty of nature around us.

Semoga foto-foto ini dapat menginspirasi kita semua untuk lebih menghargai hasil kerja keras orang lain dan keindahan alam sekitar.

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Dear friend, I would be very happy if you chose me as a witness @visionaer3003



All Picture Taken With Sony A7 II Camera
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