Theft has increased a lot, so we have to be careful

in CCSlast year
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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Nowadays, the problem of thieves has increased, there are more thefts in different places, and those who are stealing are using different new techniques, the most valuable things are being stolen nowadays, including mobiles and laptops. Thieves run away with anything when they get a chance. Catching the thief is becoming very difficult due to new techniques of stealing.

There are some thieves who steal from other people's houses, long ago there were mud houses in rural areas of Bangladesh, thieves would enter the house by digging the ground and steal the things from the house. There are still mud houses in many places in Bangladesh but thieves are no longer seen like before, but a few days ago there was a theft like this in our village. The thief entered the house by digging the ground and stole the mobile phone and money from inside the house.

There are some thieves who only steal cows, cow theft used to be high in our rural areas of Bangladesh, now it has reduced a lot, cows are still stolen in many areas, especially the villages that have rivers, cows are stolen more. Cows are still stolen in our village due to Yamuna river beside our village. A few days ago, a man in our village stole four cows.

There is a saying in our village that when a thief comes to steal a cow, he enters the cow house with some magic, because of which the people of that house cannot wake up, the owner of the cow does not understand when the thief takes the cow. It is also said that the thief's magic is such that the thief takes some earth in his hand and with that earth magic puts it on the rice of the cow owner's house and the owner of the cow cannot wake up from sleep. I don't know how true these words are.

There are some thieves who go into the crowd and steal mobiles and wallets from people's pockets, these types of thieves are called pickpockets. Currently, the number of such thieves has increased in Dhaka city, these thieves live in the crowd of people, they are very skilled thieves, they steal things from people's pockets in seconds.

There are a group of thieves who just ride around on motorcycles and steal gold from women's necks and ears, they are called robbers, because of them good women cannot go out on the streets, and because of them many accidents are organized. Sometimes the gold chain around the woman's neck pulls and the woman falls on the road and suffers an accident.

There are many different types of thieves living in our society today, some are stealing from banks, some are stealing from stores, some are stealing online. We all need to beware of these types of thieves, so that no thief can steal anything from us.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.


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