Let me give you a tip. Look for posts that steemcurator03,04,05 on so on are voting on and read those posts. Give your insightful comments on such posts in those communities and I am sure that steemcurator accounts will appreciate your comments. It is not easy but if you have patience and persistence plus hard work, it will pay in the long run.
Begging for votes doesn't work especially if you do not have steempower to vote with nor the other user. I am hoping that you understand what I am saying and I do wish you success.
A very good advice and you are the proof. It looks as if she kind of followed your tip although she didn't answer and that long comment I saw had only one valuable sentence.
Let's see if we can help to improve and stimulate to show the best.
You did try. Well done.
Hi Miss @wakeupkitty@steemcurator I have a lot of sympathy for small account holders because we all had gone through these rather very frustrating difficult stages where we seem to bee lost in the vastness of sea where we do not know what to do and who to turn to like an unwanted puppy left in the middle of nowhere and left to fend for itself without nothing to use to survive.
Although in my case I did post every single day to attract attention and support since I joined for the purpose of supporting myself financially, I was able to do so because of my special case of having this peculiar health condition with my bones and being a dialysis patient trying to combat my physical condition coupled with pain. So I gained supporters unlike other normal users. My being a natural prolific writing exposed me a lot to other users which is a unique factor to help me gain levels of achievement faster.
That is why my account grew to a certain degree because of luck and my persistence and consistency where it seems to be that I am immune to what they call "writer's block" or "burnout" where in many cause for other people or users, they just simply can't continue anymore.
So in that regard I guess that writing, may it be just a casual diary-like personal activity or done professionally, is in the blood of that person. I mean they are born writers because not everyone can do it just like cooking. A person might be able to cook but the taste of the food is much not to be desired so a person might just better off cleaning the house rather than do the cooking job because he/she is not born to cook, that is just my view.
But anyway, I also learned when I was just starting here at Steem to do what really the later Steemcurators wants to do for the members which is to basically use the Steemit platform the way it is intended to be used which is to meet people, establish friendships, be social because this is a social media platform and their role is to incentivize us for doing so.
When I was just new, I learned to play my role as a newcomer because of some pointers from Steem-related discord server. They told me there to read other people's post and make a meaningful comment to the topic at hand. So since I have all the time in the world to do it, I made it my activity day and night because this was the thing that I can only do plus I seem to like it too.
Over the course of months I met like-minded people and people which are also rather unfriendly to me and avoided them. That is why I had a lot of friends during the early years of Steemit until most of them all went to other sister chain of Steem.
But anyway, users of Steem has roles to play, large account holders curating the content creators, whales and dolphins as they are called should also curate their blog visitors passing the criteria of a comment which brings value to the conversation may it be either agreeing to the author or not if the other party made a considerable effort in constructing their opinion on the matter in a civil way.
These content visitors might include other large account holders too but
small account holders are encouraged to do their roles which is to engage since they are just starting until they are able to establish friendships that will appreciate their work and efforts during the course of their platform use and build their account slowly.
It is a long process especially now that there aren't many curators but the Steemcurators gives a lot of hope for newcomers in starting-out in this platform so that they too can achieve a level of success until they made Steemit their second home.
Thank you Miss @wakeupkitty
I always appreciate your love and support.😀👍🌹🌹🌹
What you adviced is something good but I noticed that the biggest percentage joining this platform never reads. Not even if they join a contest they read the rules or what is asked next to that all entries look the same. It's the same for the diaries and if it looks the same, people will easily skip reading because if it comes to it it;s not interesting to read how everyone woke up early, washed himself, ate, had a nap, watched tv, ate again, slept, waited for a friend. Next to that if Ten times with one word difference you wish someone well and there's nothing else to read people also give up on reading comments. Worse is even if a commenter writes the same back to everyone else. I find it disappointing, the same is if you write a longer comment and the answer is: okay.
The lack of comments, the lack of engagement is the biggest problem of platforms and I understand why the average writer prefers to join a writer's platform instead. They like to receive some feedback which you rarely find here.
Everyone has the same role to play. It's not about a quick post and asking to be upvoted. I am allergic to that also to people who ask me to pay them 10 dollars for? (that happened to me by a new team member of a community). I told him to pay me first since I need money too. I didn't receive a response which is strange if you ask for money or?
If new Steemians or those who remain small do not invest in the platform and other Steemians I don't see any point in giving an upvote. I do that enough and most do not even notice it or take if for normal and an easy way to earn. I do believe that SCs should make a difference since I also noticed that many my team upvoted in September left. So it's feels as "taking the money and run" but if you are not active and easily leave it's hard to connect with others.
As I joined I was told that the only way to receive an upvote was upvoting yourself and by commenting. How else can one be noticed, make friends and be rewarded?
Like you I can write no matter about what. I never have a storyline only a lack of time. I try (and tried) to teach people how to freewrite because this is way easier than to sit and think about what next to write but I noticed that even those who joined don't use it to make their writing easier and more interesting.
If everyone would practice it the diaries wouldn't be so boring, same for them all using the same title. It's not inviting and if I read 2 good ones (your daily posts not included) than it's a lot.
Everyone who can talk can also write. All you need to do is writing down what you think or say. There isn't more to it and it makes whatever is written more personal, interesting and easier to read.
A great day/evening to you and I hope with not too much pain.
The difficulties about using this platform still remains to be a great hurdle especially for those that are new or just starting in this platform MIss @wakeupkitty for the reason that as I had said, not much curators and everyone is competing for attention unlike in the early years of Steemit where STEEM token is more valuable and thus making almost everyone with a few thousand Steem Power "feed" small users and the same from content creators, all because we got empowered for supporting each other even in a random way.
One problem that I see now in Steemit was actually the lack of users, developers, investors, and all that. That is why the Steem economy went thin, which is why we are likened to a small country and the inhabitants thereof are not empowered enough to make this platform as vibrant and colorful, not having much development like useful DAPPs as much of the developers and users went to the other forked chain.
It is also not fun in doing activities with rules set in, I mean I feel that I am not free to write my thoughts which is my niche for using this platform where I just like to write whatever that I want and not just concentrating on one topic per post. In that way I can get to enjoy writing everyday and is the reason why I survived this long. In actuality I just want to tell my world and want to be left alone while doing it, I feel so much relaxed in doing it that way, just like I do not want to be bothered in "real life" when I am doing anything.
Part of the reason that I am still here is that I kept my "skin in the game" and remained invested in because I always feel indebted in Steem and I wanted to still see it grows and stay a per of it until my end. This platform had been the instrument of God as I see it about saving my life and my sanity, it gave me this relative financial security although I actually had invested more in STEEM more than I gained from it.
It so happened that during the fork of Steemit and the other chain, I sold my Steem holdings for BTC, after BTC price went high relative to STEEM token, I bought as much as I can which is why my account grew this relatively big. Although I know that BTC will run-up to greater prices, it is part of my plan to buy STEEM with the proceeds of that profit after selling them on the onset of the fork. Back then I actually anticipated that the value of STEEM might go up if the developers will fork it to create hive, actually hive was already existing but what I want was selling STEEM at a high price. When the rumors and then news of the impending snapshot started to happen, I powered down my SP and sold them at a high price for BTC during that crucial price pump.
It was the best "luck" that I experienced from this platform because it made me to empower myself more by buying more steem as a result. Also, the absence of bullies now unlike before had benefited me greatly because of course, there are no more bad people that are trying to destroy me now, the all left this platform. However, majority of my former steem friends left as well. That is why I felt a sense of loneliness and just coped with sing this site as my shoulder to cry on and imagine that people listens to what I would say no matter how uninteresting my stories are, but with incentives that I get monetarily in the end, it always makes me fell better thanks to what this platform can offer.
Anyway, I always tell people to use steem and offer what they can offer based on their likes, specialty, desires, dreams, hobbies, talents to make them comfortable in using this platform and in the end, their account will pick-up but slowly because of the factors that I mentioned. So only those that really invested in can roll for the most part while others just work harder with due persistence and patience that can truly find a considerable success in Steem and it is also sensible to say, "Go bog or go home" and or "Break a leg... to bring home the bacon" .😀👍
First of all, it sounds to me like you are a freewriter and there's a community where you can write what you like but so you can in the community of Italy and there are others. I believe by now the rules are no longer as strict as they were but you should also know that those rules set could be ignored.
Like you I like to write and share what I feel about and not be pushed here and there although I did try at the start of this year to follow all those rules set by hosts of contests. It made me feel unhappy and grumpy because it takes me way more time to copy all those links, resteem, upvote, and markdowns. mention someone and and and .. and also those stupid question that has to be answered or show how short-minded the host is and force you to think in the same way. I hate it. For sure you know those contests where you have to write about your happy childhood, your great father, happy school time and so on. All things I never had and can't rely on and if you ask me the average person didn't have it but we are forced to pretend which is what I hate most and refuse.
I never quite understood how Steemit worked so the first years I just did something and that worked out very well. I do believe it's possible to find your way if you read and connect with nice people but what I dislike is the begging for upvotes.
I never had the first 1000 SP very fast for sure I was in the wrong circle and if you mainly blog on your own it's hard to be discovered. I would say I work hard but you can't see if if you look at the upvotes I become but that's fine since I don't have the option to change Steemit anyway. Perhaps one day if still alive or my children figure it out. If it comes to right now I would find it normal to power down, sell wait till Steem goes down and buy again. Although Steemit asks for investors strangely enough this isn't promoted.
If it comes to new development I believe what we once had is kind of back or worked out.
For example fanbase (auto upvote, selling SP, scheduling posts) you have twice (witness xpilar and witness italygame both have one.
if you use the site: boyblikegirl.club you can also schedule posts and have some nice extras like earning UVF (see @upvotefund) and SBI is also back and you are not longer downvoted if you have them.
What more do we have? The witness pennsif brought the Steem Atlas back to life. I haven't tried it out yet because I don't really travel and already posted as I did in the community Italy.
Do you remember steem bounty? If you added to the link of your post it could always be upvoted. @etainclub works on an app that makes this possible called: Ever Steem
There is also @ luciojolly leaving comments behind (a smile or mouth) and promoting his new steemit site. Perhaps it's worth paying it a visit and share what you like or need or would like to see? (I didn't yet, I am a bit busy right now but I will although he didn't pay me a visit.
It is a piece of good advice to say do what you like and only do what you can offer. It is my belief that everyone has a different taste and if you only like to share music that is the best.
LIke you I do find the platform better after the fork and the leaving of the bullies although they did invest a lot of time and energy to downvote and leave nasty comments behind. If it comes to certain comments (and those who did it) I am still not over it.
Thank you for the information and the good talk.
I stop by again. I wish you relaxation.
Let me give you a tip. Look for posts that steemcurator03,04,05 on so on are voting on and read those posts. Give your insightful comments on such posts in those communities and I am sure that steemcurator accounts will appreciate your comments. It is not easy but if you have patience and persistence plus hard work, it will pay in the long run.
Begging for votes doesn't work especially if you do not have steempower to vote with nor the other user. I am hoping that you understand what I am saying and I do wish you success.
0.00 SBD,
7.01 STEEM,
7.01 SP
A very good advice and you are the proof. It looks as if she kind of followed your tip although she didn't answer and that long comment I saw had only one valuable sentence.
Let's see if we can help to improve and stimulate to show the best.
You did try. Well done.
@ wakeupkitty

0.00 SBD,
0.00 STEEM,
0.03 SP
Hi Miss @wakeupkitty @steemcurator I have a lot of sympathy for small account holders because we all had gone through these rather very frustrating difficult stages where we seem to bee lost in the vastness of sea where we do not know what to do and who to turn to like an unwanted puppy left in the middle of nowhere and left to fend for itself without nothing to use to survive.
Although in my case I did post every single day to attract attention and support since I joined for the purpose of supporting myself financially, I was able to do so because of my special case of having this peculiar health condition with my bones and being a dialysis patient trying to combat my physical condition coupled with pain. So I gained supporters unlike other normal users. My being a natural prolific writing exposed me a lot to other users which is a unique factor to help me gain levels of achievement faster.
That is why my account grew to a certain degree because of luck and my persistence and consistency where it seems to be that I am immune to what they call "writer's block" or "burnout" where in many cause for other people or users, they just simply can't continue anymore.
So in that regard I guess that writing, may it be just a casual diary-like personal activity or done professionally, is in the blood of that person. I mean they are born writers because not everyone can do it just like cooking. A person might be able to cook but the taste of the food is much not to be desired so a person might just better off cleaning the house rather than do the cooking job because he/she is not born to cook, that is just my view.
But anyway, I also learned when I was just starting here at Steem to do what really the later Steemcurators wants to do for the members which is to basically use the Steemit platform the way it is intended to be used which is to meet people, establish friendships, be social because this is a social media platform and their role is to incentivize us for doing so.
When I was just new, I learned to play my role as a newcomer because of some pointers from Steem-related discord server. They told me there to read other people's post and make a meaningful comment to the topic at hand. So since I have all the time in the world to do it, I made it my activity day and night because this was the thing that I can only do plus I seem to like it too.
Over the course of months I met like-minded people and people which are also rather unfriendly to me and avoided them. That is why I had a lot of friends during the early years of Steemit until most of them all went to other sister chain of Steem.
But anyway, users of Steem has roles to play, large account holders curating the content creators, whales and dolphins as they are called should also curate their blog visitors passing the criteria of a comment which brings value to the conversation may it be either agreeing to the author or not if the other party made a considerable effort in constructing their opinion on the matter in a civil way.
These content visitors might include other large account holders too but
small account holders are encouraged to do their roles which is to engage since they are just starting until they are able to establish friendships that will appreciate their work and efforts during the course of their platform use and build their account slowly.
It is a long process especially now that there aren't many curators but the Steemcurators gives a lot of hope for newcomers in starting-out in this platform so that they too can achieve a level of success until they made Steemit their second home.
Thank you Miss @wakeupkitty
I always appreciate your love and support.😀👍🌹🌹🌹
0.00 SBD,
0.26 STEEM,
0.26 SP
What you adviced is something good but I noticed that the biggest percentage joining this platform never reads. Not even if they join a contest they read the rules or what is asked next to that all entries look the same. It's the same for the diaries and if it looks the same, people will easily skip reading because if it comes to it it;s not interesting to read how everyone woke up early, washed himself, ate, had a nap, watched tv, ate again, slept, waited for a friend. Next to that if Ten times with one word difference you wish someone well and there's nothing else to read people also give up on reading comments. Worse is even if a commenter writes the same back to everyone else. I find it disappointing, the same is if you write a longer comment and the answer is: okay.
The lack of comments, the lack of engagement is the biggest problem of platforms and I understand why the average writer prefers to join a writer's platform instead. They like to receive some feedback which you rarely find here.
Everyone has the same role to play. It's not about a quick post and asking to be upvoted. I am allergic to that also to people who ask me to pay them 10 dollars for? (that happened to me by a new team member of a community). I told him to pay me first since I need money too. I didn't receive a response which is strange if you ask for money or?
If new Steemians or those who remain small do not invest in the platform and other Steemians I don't see any point in giving an upvote. I do that enough and most do not even notice it or take if for normal and an easy way to earn. I do believe that SCs should make a difference since I also noticed that many my team upvoted in September left. So it's feels as "taking the money and run" but if you are not active and easily leave it's hard to connect with others.
As I joined I was told that the only way to receive an upvote was upvoting yourself and by commenting. How else can one be noticed, make friends and be rewarded?
Like you I can write no matter about what. I never have a storyline only a lack of time. I try (and tried) to teach people how to freewrite because this is way easier than to sit and think about what next to write but I noticed that even those who joined don't use it to make their writing easier and more interesting.
If everyone would practice it the diaries wouldn't be so boring, same for them all using the same title. It's not inviting and if I read 2 good ones (your daily posts not included) than it's a lot.
Everyone who can talk can also write. All you need to do is writing down what you think or say. There isn't more to it and it makes whatever is written more personal, interesting and easier to read.
A great day/evening to you and I hope with not too much pain.
0.00 SBD,
0.00 STEEM,
0.04 SP
The difficulties about using this platform still remains to be a great hurdle especially for those that are new or just starting in this platform MIss @wakeupkitty for the reason that as I had said, not much curators and everyone is competing for attention unlike in the early years of Steemit where STEEM token is more valuable and thus making almost everyone with a few thousand Steem Power "feed" small users and the same from content creators, all because we got empowered for supporting each other even in a random way.
One problem that I see now in Steemit was actually the lack of users, developers, investors, and all that. That is why the Steem economy went thin, which is why we are likened to a small country and the inhabitants thereof are not empowered enough to make this platform as vibrant and colorful, not having much development like useful DAPPs as much of the developers and users went to the other forked chain.
It is also not fun in doing activities with rules set in, I mean I feel that I am not free to write my thoughts which is my niche for using this platform where I just like to write whatever that I want and not just concentrating on one topic per post. In that way I can get to enjoy writing everyday and is the reason why I survived this long. In actuality I just want to tell my world and want to be left alone while doing it, I feel so much relaxed in doing it that way, just like I do not want to be bothered in "real life" when I am doing anything.
Part of the reason that I am still here is that I kept my "skin in the game" and remained invested in because I always feel indebted in Steem and I wanted to still see it grows and stay a per of it until my end. This platform had been the instrument of God as I see it about saving my life and my sanity, it gave me this relative financial security although I actually had invested more in STEEM more than I gained from it.
It so happened that during the fork of Steemit and the other chain, I sold my Steem holdings for BTC, after BTC price went high relative to STEEM token, I bought as much as I can which is why my account grew this relatively big. Although I know that BTC will run-up to greater prices, it is part of my plan to buy STEEM with the proceeds of that profit after selling them on the onset of the fork. Back then I actually anticipated that the value of STEEM might go up if the developers will fork it to create hive, actually hive was already existing but what I want was selling STEEM at a high price. When the rumors and then news of the impending snapshot started to happen, I powered down my SP and sold them at a high price for BTC during that crucial price pump.
It was the best "luck" that I experienced from this platform because it made me to empower myself more by buying more steem as a result. Also, the absence of bullies now unlike before had benefited me greatly because of course, there are no more bad people that are trying to destroy me now, the all left this platform. However, majority of my former steem friends left as well. That is why I felt a sense of loneliness and just coped with sing this site as my shoulder to cry on and imagine that people listens to what I would say no matter how uninteresting my stories are, but with incentives that I get monetarily in the end, it always makes me fell better thanks to what this platform can offer.
Anyway, I always tell people to use steem and offer what they can offer based on their likes, specialty, desires, dreams, hobbies, talents to make them comfortable in using this platform and in the end, their account will pick-up but slowly because of the factors that I mentioned. So only those that really invested in can roll for the most part while others just work harder with due persistence and patience that can truly find a considerable success in Steem and it is also sensible to say, "Go bog or go home" and or "Break a leg... to bring home the bacon" .😀👍
0.00 SBD,
0.26 STEEM,
0.26 SP
First of all, it sounds to me like you are a freewriter and there's a community where you can write what you like but so you can in the community of Italy and there are others. I believe by now the rules are no longer as strict as they were but you should also know that those rules set could be ignored.
Like you I like to write and share what I feel about and not be pushed here and there although I did try at the start of this year to follow all those rules set by hosts of contests. It made me feel unhappy and grumpy because it takes me way more time to copy all those links, resteem, upvote, and markdowns. mention someone and and and .. and also those stupid question that has to be answered or show how short-minded the host is and force you to think in the same way. I hate it. For sure you know those contests where you have to write about your happy childhood, your great father, happy school time and so on. All things I never had and can't rely on and if you ask me the average person didn't have it but we are forced to pretend which is what I hate most and refuse.
I never quite understood how Steemit worked so the first years I just did something and that worked out very well. I do believe it's possible to find your way if you read and connect with nice people but what I dislike is the begging for upvotes.
I never had the first 1000 SP very fast for sure I was in the wrong circle and if you mainly blog on your own it's hard to be discovered. I would say I work hard but you can't see if if you look at the upvotes I become but that's fine since I don't have the option to change Steemit anyway. Perhaps one day if still alive or my children figure it out. If it comes to right now I would find it normal to power down, sell wait till Steem goes down and buy again. Although Steemit asks for investors strangely enough this isn't promoted.
If it comes to new development I believe what we once had is kind of back or worked out.
For example fanbase (auto upvote, selling SP, scheduling posts) you have twice (witness xpilar and witness italygame both have one.
if you use the site: boyblikegirl.club you can also schedule posts and have some nice extras like earning UVF (see @upvotefund) and SBI is also back and you are not longer downvoted if you have them.
What more do we have? The witness pennsif brought the Steem Atlas back to life. I haven't tried it out yet because I don't really travel and already posted as I did in the community Italy.
Do you remember steem bounty? If you added to the link of your post it could always be upvoted. @etainclub works on an app that makes this possible called: Ever Steem
There is also @ luciojolly leaving comments behind (a smile or mouth) and promoting his new steemit site. Perhaps it's worth paying it a visit and share what you like or need or would like to see? (I didn't yet, I am a bit busy right now but I will although he didn't pay me a visit.
It is a piece of good advice to say do what you like and only do what you can offer. It is my belief that everyone has a different taste and if you only like to share music that is the best.
LIke you I do find the platform better after the fork and the leaving of the bullies although they did invest a lot of time and energy to downvote and leave nasty comments behind. If it comes to certain comments (and those who did it) I am still not over it.
Thank you for the information and the good talk.
I stop by again. I wish you relaxation.
0.00 SBD,
0.00 STEEM,
2.67 SP