What Causes Memory Loss?

in CCS8 months ago

What Causes Memory Loss?

  1. Insomnia

First, it's harder to remember things when you're not sleeping. Second, sleep strengthens the connections between brain cells that help you remember more for longer.
Third, it's hard to remember when your mind is struggling due to lack of sleep.
Get a maximum of 8 hours of sleep per night and a minimum of 5 hours of sleep, and avoid caffeinated drinks later in the day.

  1. Using sleeping pills or tranquilizers

Using sleeping pills or tranquilizers as they are known, can weaken your memory, so avoid them
When trying to get off sleep medications, also tell your doctor about memory issues when starting a new medication.

  1. diabetes or diabetes

People with diabetes are more likely to have problems with memory.
High blood sugar can cause damage to the small blood vessels called capillaries in the brain.
It may also be because the insulin used in diabetes is damaging the brain cells.

  1. old age or old age

As you get closer to old age, your memory deteriorates.
Because your body is not working as it used to and it is undergoing a drastic change so try to do many things that can help you such as diet, exercise, and social life.

  1. Stroke

A stroke is a blockage of blood flow to a part of the brain. Then, brain cells are damaged and it can be difficult to think, speak, remember, or pay attention.

  1. smoking

Smoking damages parts of your brain that help you think and remember. Smoking also damages your blood vessels, and smoking often causes many diseases.

  1. heart disease

Heart disease reduces blood flow to the brain and other organs, making it difficult to think clearly and remember things. They can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Even if you don't have heart disease yet, the possible causes include smoking, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

  1. High blood pressure

High blood pressure causes the blood pressure to rise and then it affects the blood vessels including those of the brain and then the brain cells can't remember much, the best solution to control high blood pressure is to change your diet , and exercise.

  1. sadness and anxiety

It is often difficult to remember things when you are upset or stressed, so always try to avoid stress and sadness and try to keep your situation calm.

  1. obesity

If you are over 30 years old there is a risk of obesity if you do not balance your diet and life. Obesity leads to cognitive decline and memory loss.

  1. lack of exercise

Regular exercise can reduce cognitive decline and memory problems, you don't have to go out and run long runs. Just try to get outside and go for a sweaty walk, swimming is a form of exercise. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day of any type.

  1. Eating disorders

A poor diet can lead to anemia and other heart diseases, and can cause memory loss, which is why a healthy, balanced diet is good for your brain. Try to eat more vegetables, lean oils and red meat

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