A trip to Anakopia

in CCSlast year (edited)

Hello, friends!

Recently I have been introducing you to the nature of Tver province. It's understandable, less than a week has passed since I returned from there and the memories are too fresh.

But before Tver I visited Abkhazia. I only had an iPad tablet with me and it was impossible to upload photos from the camera to it (maybe I just don't know how), and besides, I have photos in RAW format in my camera and need a special editor to process them, which I don't have in my tablet.

That is, all my posts from Abkhazia were created using a tablet camera and a smartphone. I have nothing against these cameras... but the quality of the photos.. well, you know. Now I want to go back to what I took with a normal camera with a normal lens.

I've already started showing some of the photos who participated in this конкурсе and today I want to continue the landscape series.

One day we decided to climb the Iver Mountain and visit the ruins of Anakopia. In order not to walk in the heat, we got up early and hit the road...





Привет, друзья!

В последнее время я знакомил вас с природой Тверской губернии. Оно и понятно, не прошла и неделя, как я оттуда вернулся и воспоминания слишком свежи.

Но до Твери я побывал в Абхазии. С собой у меня был лишь планшет iPad и на него невозможно загрузить фотографии с камеры (может быть я просто не умею), а кроме того, в камере у меня фотографии в формате RAW и для их обработки нужен специальный редактор, которого у меня в планшете нет.

То есть, все мои посты из Абхазии были созданы с использованием камеры планшета и смартфона. Я ничего не имею против этих камер... но качество фотографий.. ну вы понимаете. Теперь я хочу вернуться к тому, что я наснимал нормальной камерой с нормальным объективом.

Я уже начинал показывать часть фотографий участвовавших в этом конкурсе и сегодня хочу продолжить пейзажную серию.

В один из дней мы решили подняться на Иверскую гору и посетить развалины Анакопии. Чтобы не идти по жаре мы встали пораньше и отправились в путь...

P.S. ...it looks like I did something unnecessary... I have already applied for this stage of the competition.
Please consider this post as a support post that does not participate in the competition despite the tag used.

All photos are clickable, I recommend turning on night mode for viewing

Все фотографии кликабельны, для просмотра рекомендую включить ночной режим.

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright


100% SP - manual translation to SP( except for the prize fund #photo-process)


 last year 

it looks like I did something unnecessary... I have already applied for this stage of the competition.
Please consider this post as a support post that does not participate in the competition despite the tag used.

Congratulations, your post is upvoted by CCS curation trail from CCS - A community by witness @visionaer3003.


"Home is where your heart is !❤️."

Vote for @visionaer3003 as witness.

 last year 


Dear bambuka,

Thank you for sharing your experiences in Abkhazia, particularly your visit to Anakopia. The pictures, despite the different camera, still capture the essence of the place beautifully. It's always a challenge when we're not equipped with our usual tools, but you've managed to convey the beauty nonetheless. Looking forward to more of your adventures!

 last year 

Glad to see you @nairavardan and thank you for your kind words!

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