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RE: 💨 A Lot of Hot Air (and Another Dodgy Moderator)

in Steem4Bloggers4 months ago

A Company of US Marines v the entire Roman First Legion...

Who would come out in first place?



Despite thinking that I know what #aagr is, this clue’s left me flummoxed.

I’m starting to think there’s a film reference or 2 in here with the first half possibly being “A few good men”.

Should we put ourselves out of our misery on Friday and share the Result? Time for one last #tipoftheday tomorrow?

Maybe The Royals will finish in the top four next time...

#bonustipoftheday 👅🍎🧪 🔢

I think I cracked it.

The Royals: your reference to the-gorilla

Top Four: maybe in top four authors, in steemit awards

And the emojis tell us why:

👅 Expression

🍎 I don't know wisdom or something

🧪 He uses tests (analytical reports)

🔢 Augmented with stats and numbers

That's why his reports are

Always A Good Read

You ought to give me some points for creativity even if it's a wrong answer 🥺

I'm talking about these tips. I know the-gorilla has already cracked #aagr


I think I correctly explained The Royals link already. If I got that correct (which I think I did), my profile header will help.


The hints... 😅

Ok how about this one?

We have established, g is not gorilla.

I have got this from 2nd tip... 👇

Gadolinium is used to inject in the body for better imaging during an MRI. So I'm supposing that tip/hint has something to do with a revelation.

From 3rd tip.. 👇

A company of US marine would always win a hypothetical battle against Roman First Legion because US marine are advanced and Roman Legions were horses and spears kind of army. And I'm not ignoring the fact that First legion is also referred as Germanica.

So my guess would be...

And Another Germ Revealed

P.S. Don't give me vote, I need points for analytical thinking even if it's wrong I better be on the right train of thought. 🤣

cc: @the-gorilla

Gadolinium is used to inject in the body for better imaging during an MRI. So I'm supposing that tip/hint has something to do with a revelation.

Think in chemical symbols and try again 🙂

I'm lost on Tip 3. sc01's on a different level to me when it comes to cryptic clues! I'll get there though...


I can only think of 'good' from 'g' if we look at the chemical formula.

I hope the formula is GdO2. G, D and two Os.

And Another Good Revelation??

But I don't see how tip 3 fits into this guess.

Sorry for bombardment, after this I will shut up.🤐

And Another Good Review

We haven't established any rules here (other than no edits) so here's a rule:
1 attempt per day.

I don't like rules but that's a sensible one.

I'm done anyways with all my attempts. 🥱

I think you have 3 of 4.

Based on the hint about the marines and the first Roman legion, Justapedia gave me a decent seeming guess at the 4th. Not sure how it fits with "The Royals", however, so maybe not.

I'm going to recuse myself, because I think you gave me three, and it wouldn't feel right winning on your hard work. I hope you get it. ;-)

Haha. I can think of 1 or 2 guesses for the remaining letter but @the-gorilla has cut me off. 😭

I don't mind - infact, it would be a relief if you would complete the puzzle and get everyone out of their misery.

I didn't have time to answer, but mine was a miscue anyway.

I was on board with "and another good" from your answer, and I found the justapedia page for List of Roman Legions. There, I found that the first legion, Adiutrix, was known as the first Rescuers, so I was thinking, "rescuers come out in first" for the Marines and the Roman first legion, so I concluded "And another good rescue".

I see now, though that it was "Always A Good Read". Congratulations to @the-gorilla.

I also went digging history but it was all word play. 😏

You can have 1 more guess today - your last shot at greatness. Make it count.

Thank you. I will only share when I am 100% confident.

Stuck in curation today.

I could be mistaken, but I believe "The Royals" is particularly relevant to me. I does give a new option for the final word which I hadn't considered and nobody else has got yet. 😊

I’m interested in what you got from Justapedia? I’ve not quite got the link between A Company of US Marines but I’m pretty sure of the relevance of “the entire” Roman First Legion rather than a subset of it.

Think in chemical symbols and try again 🙂

Gadolinium (Gd) dioxide (oo) Good. I think I've decrypted the 'g' from the #aagr

A Company of US Marines v the entire Roman First Legion..

Hmmm. Roman legion would consist of a lot of soldiers compared to the the marines who would have modern weapons. Maybe this is a metaphor for a lot of scammers (roman legion) and a few marines ;--;

Has this tip got something to do with the cover photo of this post 🤣🤨

Think in chemical symbols and try again

Ag. Silver. The gorilla. Silverback gorilla 🤨🤨


I’m stumped by today’s clue and I’ve thought about it a lot.

It's probably comparing the amount of scammers (the roman legion) in their shee quantity and users like you who snipe them out (the marines) who're comparatively very few.... maybe...?


Yo solo espero ver al final del concurso cual era la respuesta, se me agotaron las ideas T-T

giphy (2).gif

For me you are the winner (... at least of hearts) :-)

Enough said. I happily accept the win. 🤣

 4 months ago 

Maybe it means "Another abuser got revealed."

 4 months ago 

Or maybe, "Aha another golddigger reported"

 4 months ago 

Or may be, "And another golden report".

based on these tips:

Screenshot 2024-06-07 115209.png

Screenshot 2024-06-07 114924.png

This is a sensible guess but the tips of sc01 suggest otherwise.

 4 months ago 

Maybe it is:

Action affects group reputation

The Marines will always win...

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