"Steemit Engagement Challenge | S14W4 | Advertisement!".


Advertisement are very visible and easy to find everywhere, the billboards, posters, ringing of bells or songs that are attractive and mind catching. But have you ever thought about it advantages to our businesses in terms of growth? In this interesting contest, I would share my view in regard to the hints given in the contest.

What are the advantages of advertisement for the growth of a business?

Advertisement is a method through which companies and businesses try to attract the consumers or draw their attention into buying their products or their services. They are able to do this most times by creating attractive content and displaying it on television and radio stations, internet, or on billboards with the aim of being able to attract the interest of people and see the need to purchase the products or services.

Advertisement is very important and plays a vital role in business popularization. Advertisement has a lot of advantages, these include;

Creates awareness

Whenever businesses or companies are advertised, it helps the creation awareness among the people. By truly telling the people about the products or services, you have created awareness in them because they are now aware of such a product or service is available and will now have to decide if the product advertised is up to their required standard.

Increase in customers

When there is continues advertisement for a product or service, it will help bring more customers to a business or company. With the aid of advertisement, information about a business or company will be able to reach more customers who might become interested in the business.

Reminder purposes

If a company or business always advertises its products or services, it will help to remind the people about the products or services so that whenever such a product or service is needed, yours would be the chosen one because it is what will be in their mind as a result of continuous advertisement.

Continuous growth

By continuously advertising, it will help the product or service to keep growing and become popular, eventually winning the minds of many and thereby standing a chance to boost of being number 1 in the nation and in foreign trade.

What are the most effective ways to advertise a business in your country to gather the attention of people?

Advertising a business is a means to reach out to prospective customers. In my country Nigeria, there are some many advertisement channels some of which includes;

Through radio stations and television channels

Radio is a very effective means of advertisement. Many people pay attention to the radio broadcast, therefore if an advertisement should be broadcasted on a radio station, there is very possible that you would be able to reach out to large numbers of people.
Also, if an advertisement appears on a TV program, people who are viewing the program at the moment will now be able to get access to such business.


A lot of people see it as a daily routine to always read newspaper before going out to perform their various activities for the day. Therefore, pasting an advert on a newspaper will to always great to pass information to the audience.

Social media

With the increasing rate of the social media population, if a business advertisement is created and posted on popular medias like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, no doubt a lot of users are going to get to know about the business or could end up becoming interested.

Through marketers

This is a popular and effective means of advertisement as it involves the uses of humans who would have to move about telling friends, family and the public about the products or services and make them see the need why they should purchase what they are advertising, most times this means of advertisement is very interactive.

Billboards and posters

This is also another means of advertisement which involves the use of poster and billboards which will be kept at strategic locations where it will be very easy for people to see.

Select any technology product of any company (it could be anything you want to present) and advertise it just like you are advertising your own company's product.

In regard to this aspect, I would like to advertise the phone I am using now, it's the Tecno spark 10c.

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Edited using the Canva app

The Tecno spark 10c is a well-designed phone, with nice framework, wonderful screen that makes everything look bright and colorful when washing movies, playing games and browsing.

There is enough storage in the phone that you might not have any need for an external memory card. It has a storage of about 128GB (gigabyte) which is large enough to contain lots of files and could still be expanded with a memory card is the need arises.

If we talk about speed, it is very fast. It is an 4GLte phone with excellent speed and fast connection. It has 8GB RAM device, and this feature allows users to download and use their favorites app when finding difficulty caused by heating of the phone.

The Tecno spark 10c comes with an 5000MaH battery that could last for more than a day without charging. It takes less than 2 hours to be fully charged from 0 to 100%.
Finally, the Tecno spark 10c is a nice phone with great features, and it is worth having.

Thanks for reading my post.

I would like to invite @bossj23, @emmy01, and @usoro01 to participate in this contest.

 9 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

El Marketing Digital llevó a la publicidad a un nivel que ni siquiera los mismos estrategas de redes imaginaron pero, es tan fantástica que, constantemente vemos que diariamente se llevan a cabo diversas campañas a través de las redes sociales... Es más, es tan grande el éxito que tienen que, ya se dice que si no está en las redes, no existe.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you for your comment and finding time to read my post.

 9 months ago 

Saludos amigo.

Estrategias de marketing y publicidad hay muchísimas sin embargo en la actualidad las redes sociales tienen muchísimo auge debido a que llegan de manera directa a las personas y se encuentran en tendencia actualmente, sí que hacer publicidad a través de redes es excelente para lograr posicionar algún producto, una marca o empresa.

Has hecho una perfecta descripción de tu teléfono tecno Spark 10C dando a conocer cada una de sus cualidades y características más importantes para el comprador. Buen trabajo!

Buena suerte y éxitos con tu entrada

Thanks for the contribution.

 9 months ago 

Business must be done for your growth but to run the business well and beautified and to improve more, the business must do advertising. In fact, promotion is very important in any business. Anything grows and improves through networking and promotion. And I also think that advertising is very effective for business. Best wishes.

 9 months ago 

La publicidad es el medio que se utiliza para atraer a los consumidores si una publicidad es buena de seguro tendrá muchas ventas

Nice entry, you have written well keep it up. Advertising our product is very nice because it help in expanding and bringing more customers to the business. I enjoy reading your entry

Thanks for the encouragement and time to read my post.

 9 months ago 

Hola amigo 👋😁👋

Creo que en la era moderna en la que estamos en la mayoría de los países utilizan muchísima publicidad para promocionar diferente tipo de negocio.

Los medios que se utilizan en tu país son muy parecidos a los que utilizamos aquí en Venezuela donde al igual que en todo el mundo las redes sociales con el marketing digital es lo que está causando furor y está haciendo que las ventas se generen mucho más rápidos y a toda parte del mundo.

Muy buena tu presentación para la publicidad de prueba te deseo mucho éxitos y bendiciones en tu participación.

Saludos 🤗🫂

I'm really glad and grateful to you for reading my post

 9 months ago (edited)

Sorry, you are outside the support of the newcomer team, please do not use the tag #newcomer

please read : TEAM Newcomer: Curation Guideline for December 2023

Hello ,hope you are doing well,Advertisements are very visible and easy to find everywhere, the billboards, posters, ringing of bells or songs that are attractive and mind catching. You are right through this we bring our products to people and people get to know about our products and then get attracted to buy it, we also grow our business and demand for our products. wow you have advertised Techno cellphone it's features is amazing , really enjoyed reading your blog wish you success 💐🎊🎉.

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