Contest Alert! Rainy Weather and Me | Reward Pool of 5 STEEM and Booming

in Steem4Bloggers8 months ago (edited)

Greetings to everyone in this wonderful community (Steem4Bloggers) It is an honour to be given the opportunity to also participate in this interesting contest with the topic... Rainy Weather and Me.
We will be looking at ...

which of the weather condition do I like
most and why.
The best ways to enjoy rainy Weather and lastly
The dishes most commonly prepared during rainy Weather.


Do you like the rainy weather or not? Justify your answer

I can not totally say I like either rainy or dry season. This is because both has their advantages and disadvantages to human, animal, plant and the entire ecosystems at large. So before I choose which weather I like most, let us look at the general benefits/non-benefits of rainy Weather.

Human Life Sustainanse.. the human body needs constant or consistent supply of water to help support our continue survival. So with the help of rain, human are able to store up clean fresh water. Am sure you will agree with me that we can not survive dehydration for a long time and we need lots of water to detoxify and aid our human digestive system.

Plants Sustainanse... Same thing goes with Plants, Vegetations, Trees, and Grass, they all need water to blossoms and survive by absorbing water or moisture from its root, transmit it to the stems and leaves, thereby promoting nourishment and growth. That's why, in dry season, some plants dry out and die.

Disadvantage of rain is that, heavy downpour can cause flood and erosion. Rainy Weather can also create inconveniences resulting from unexpected rain fall. This inturn can cause psychological effects on people especially those without cars. It can also cause hunger, because unexpected heavy downpour can mired people from going to their daily activities that put food on their table.

That being said, I prefer dry season because of the environment I am currently living. When it rains, the road become flooded that no vehicle, tricycle or bike want to come into the street. So movement becomes very difficult and expensive (maybe if I am able to pack out of the environment, I will like rainy Weather). Another reason why I don't like rainy Weather is because of low patronage in business. This is because, there are not much occasion in this period and without occasion, in my line of business (salon), no patronage. Rainy Weather makes me get sick easily with flu, cold, cough and catarrh. Space will fail me if I want to continue mentioning the reasons. Below is a picture of me, showing my mood in rainy Weather.


What is the best way to enjoy the rainy weather?

Personally, I think those with cars are the ones really enjoying the raining season. But that is not withstanding, one can still enjoy the rainy Weather by planning ahead of time. Just like the 🐜 ant (during dry season, they work hard and gather enough food that will last them during the rainy Weather). So we can as well work hard in the dry season, save up so when the rain starts we will not struggle too much.

In extreme heavy downpour, this is the time I reflect on myself. This is so because of my busy schedule, I hardly have time to do proper cleanup. So rainy days are opportunity to clean my house thoroughly, wash my clothes, fetch and store fresh water. If time permits, I will also do some baking (I really love baking) or prepare myself a nice spicy meal. Other rainy Weather, I might watch movies or go out with some friends for karaoke or any other adventure.

Tell me about some dishes which are prepared most commonly in rainy seasons.


In this part of Africa (Nigeria) we are blessed with different cultural heritage and varieties of food suck as, Plantain, Cocoyam, yam, sweet and water yam, Ekpang Nkugwo, Ebba/fufu with different kinds of soups like Afang, Atama, Editan, Okra, Egusi, Yellow soup /fisherman soup, Ewedu, Oha soup and many more just to mention a few.

Although there are not stipulated kind of food to be eating during rainy season but personal I love hot spicy sauce and pepper soup top with brandy/ whiskey or hot spicy pumpkin leaf soup with correct akpu aka fufu or roasted yam with palm oil.

With what we have discussed so far, our personal preference on weather condition doesn't not really matter, because God in his wisdom knew that in both weather, we will benefits differently. So we just need to strike a balance and learn how to cope with this changing weathers condition. Thank you once again for the opportunity to also participate.

I invite my friends @patjewell, @bossj23 @goodybest


Your post content is impressive. I also like rainy season. Wish you best of lick for the contest.

Thank you so much

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