THE DIARY GAME ||02-04-2024|| Today I have come to a very beautiful Dargah.
Assalamu Alaikum siblings, hi. Companions, today is an extremely exceptional day for me since today I will visit a Dargah at an exceptionally gorgeous spot. Companions let me, first of all, let you know that today I got up early in light of the fact that I needed to eat, so I need to get up at 5 o'clock since, supposing that I rests, my quick will likewise be lost.I can. Furthermore, I might need to quick without seri. That is the reason I got up at 5 o'clock. At the point when I awakened, I was feeling exceptionally tired, still I got up and went to clean up. Then I shouted to my mom, then my mom arranged endlessly bread for me, which I could then eat. After that I went out to offer Namaz.
At the point when I returned home, I came to realize that today is the day, I need to go to an extremely lovely Dargah. Where I was anxious to go for quite a while. Then, at that point, all that began preparing in the house. Furthermore, we passed on in the vehicle to go to the Dargah, it appeared to be that we needed to travel a distance of 90 km. At the point when we arrived at the Dargah, I was unable to trust my eyes. Since the Dargah has been made exceptionally gorgeous, seeing which I feel extremely cheerful. This Dargah is constructed like Ajmer. What's more, many come to this spot. Indeed, even today I have arrived at this spot with my loved ones.
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Thanks you
Best Regards: @amir9988