Reminder / Change of date- Creative Dynamics/ Week 3: Scraps of fabric. // #club5050- Official publication. by roseri - 10% contribution @draftcrearte

Draftcrearte is recharged with new challenges and dynamics that you cannot miss. Do you want to know what it is about?...
On this occasion I want to remind you of our active contest Creative Dynamics/ Week 3: Scraps of fabric. // #club5050- Official publication.
Basically they will have to make an art or craft using scraps of fabric preferably of different colors, they can make the number of publications they want there are no limitations. They must only comply with the rules established in the official publication.
Below I will show you the participations that have been presented so far.
Thanks to this first of entries, they all received upvotes on their posts.
We invite all our other members to participate in the weekly dynamics that we propose in the community in this way we keep moving and motivated.
To see more great participations like these, I have decided to increase the days of the dynamics, therefore they will have until Sunday the 10th at 11:59 at night to present their proposals.
Aspects to evaluate:
Originality-creativity Photo quality- art presentation Step-to-step Comply with the rules
up to 3 points up to 2 points up to 2,5 points up to 1,5 points up to 1 points

1st place🏆
2nd place🏅 3rd place🏅
4th place🏅 5th place🏅
This contest ends on Sunday the 10th at 11:59 (Venezuelan time) and the winners will be announced the following day
We invite you to join our Discord

Are you new and would like to join the community? Visit the following post for more details.
El 10% de las recompensas de esta publicación van para @draftcrearte
Links to support our DraftCrearte community via SP.
50 SP 100 SP 250 SP 500 SP
Social Media:
Facebook Instagram Twitter Discord Telegram
On this occasion I want to remind you of our active contest Creative Dynamics/ Week 3: Scraps of fabric. // #club5050- Official publication.
Basically they will have to make an art or craft using scraps of fabric preferably of different colors, they can make the number of publications they want there are no limitations. They must only comply with the rules established in the official publication.
Thanks to this first of entries, they all received upvotes on their posts.
We invite all our other members to participate in the weekly dynamics that we propose in the community in this way we keep moving and motivated.
To see more great participations like these, I have decided to increase the days of the dynamics, therefore they will have until Sunday the 10th at 11:59 at night to present their proposals.
Aspects to evaluate:
Originality-creativity | Photo quality- | art presentation | Step-to-step | Comply with the rules |
up to 3 points | up to 2 points | up to 2,5 points | up to 1,5 points | up to 1 points |
This contest ends on Sunday the 10th at 11:59 (Venezuelan time) and the winners will be announced the following day
Are you new and would like to join the community? Visit the following post for more details.
El 10% de las recompensas de esta publicación van para @draftcrearte
Links to support our DraftCrearte community via SP.
50 SP | 100 SP | 250 SP | 500 SP |
Social Media:
Discord | Telegram | |||
Hola amiga @roseri esto es parte de mis retazos de tela

Gracias por tu participación recibiras 0,100 steem
Vamos hacer una dinámica rápida, en los comentarios de esta publicación coloquen una foto de retazos de tela, todos recibirán 0.100 steem.
Let's do a quick dynamic, in the comments of this publication put a photo of scraps of fabric, everyone will receive 0.100 steem.
Holaaaa, aun tengo chances en participar???
Saludos que tengan un lindo dia mucha suerte
Mis retazos de tela
Gracias por tu participación recibiras 0,100 steem
Hola buenos días, por aquí les dejo mi foto de los retazos de tela. :3
Gracias por tu participación recibiras 0,100 steem
Hola feliz día a todos, aquí están mis retazos de tela.
Gracias por tu participación recibiras 0,100 steem
Hola, veo que mi publicación no está, tengo que volver a pasarla?
Hola Avibauza no te preucupes en el momento que montamos la publicación aún no estaba. Pero igual la verificamos
Jajajaja ok esta bien por un momento pensé que había algún error.
Hola aquí mis retazos

Muchaaasss. Gracias por tu participación recibiras 0,100 steem
Gracias a ti 💖 para mi es un gusto participar en tus dinámicas
┬┴┬┴┤⌐ ■ ω ■) ノSaludos
Gracias por tu participación recibiras 0,100 steem
¡Hola amiga!
⌒ (o ^ ▽ ^ o) ノ
Muchas gracias.
Saludos ヾ (^ ω ^ *)
Hola por aquí mi retazos de tela
no se cargo la imagen amiga
Ya lo arregle amiga, gracias
Gracias por tu participación recibiras 0,100 steem
Mi participación a la dinámica.
Gracias por tu participación recibiras 0,100 steem