Aplication Communities of the month Support Program

in Draft Crearte3 years ago (edited)



What is the purpose of your community?

DraftCrearte is a community that thrives with the creativity and proactivity of its members, believing in cooperative and self-taught learning. Our fundamental purpose in creating the community was to provide a space where everyone can be free to create and inspire others based on the creativity, original design and innovation.

Our mission: Is to promote the creativity of our members so that they never stop learning, develop their passions and grow professionally and personally.

Our vision: To be a proactive community where its members recognize their talents and monetize them by transforming them into ingenious entrepreneurship.

Is it unique?

We consider our community to be unique for its educational essence in art and creativity, our challenges and programs are not just contests to win an award, they are meaningful learning methods that challenge participating members to go beyond their limitations.

Are there any other communities covering the same subject or area as yours?

When we decided to activate the @crearte account and create the DraftCrearte Community, we checked the communities section and there were none, at least not active, that covered the same topic or area as us. Currently they have activated and created communities dedicated to art and creativity but their approach is totally different from that of our community.

Why should people join your community?

To answer this question we will start from a phrase that our members constantly use to define our community ¨Creative School¨.

We are not a community simply to publish something and wait for a reward, no, no, here we go further, most of the members who are part of our community love being here because, in addition to showing their arts, we promote learning.

If the desire is to learn new skills, improve your talents and grow in community are welcome to belong to DraftCrearte.


Who are the Admins and Moderators of your community?

Currently our team is made up of 6 people.

Community Manager.
Moderators - Team Manager:@Oscarcc86@deisip67
Support Team@cindycam@genesis171@oscarcede

What countries are they from and what languages do they cover?

Our team is made up of Venezuelans, but we will soon make public the search for representatives in other countries to cover other languages.

Are the team members paid or rewarded in any way from the community funds for their work in running the community?

A small fund will be used from now on to pay monthly those who make up the Support Team.

If you only have one Admin what would happen to your community if you left or lost your keys?

Apart from the administrator, our moderators @oscarcc89 and @deisip67 have the keys to our account in case of loss.


What is your Community Curation Account?

Curation Account: @crearte

How much Steem Power does it have - both of its own and delegated to it?

Steem Power5,118.039 STEEM
Delegado+1,667.872 STEEM
Total6,786 SP

What are your plans for growing the SP of the account?

Through our power up program we motivate community members to grow their Sp, we believe that in this way the community also grows.
We project 20 members in two months to reach 500Sp each would be a possible delegation for @crearte of 10,000 SP.

Through a program of Delegations we will reward monthly all those who delegate to our curation @crearte

Are all the post rewards powered up, or are they used for paying delegators or members of the community team?

We use part of the rewards from our posts to run contests in the community, motivate Power Up through small rewards and monthly rewards to our work team.

Who has access to voting with the account?

The founder @roseri and the moderator @oscarcc89 are in charge of voting with the curation account the verified publications of our community.

What is the current Voting CSI score for the account (from Steemworld.org)?

Voting power: $0.08 - 100%

On average what proportion of the posts each week receive a vote from the community account?

100% of the posts that comply with the rules of our community will receive a positive vote from our curation account.


What measures do you take to check for plagiarism and other forms of abuse (content farming, duplicate accounts, fake accounts)?

The first measure we established was user verification to avoid double accounts.
Most of the community rules are in place to prevent plagiarism and other abuse.
You can further review everything related to plagiarism and the consequences if this abuse is incurred.

Measures to prevent plagiarism and other abuses: Community DraftCrearte

Do you have designated people in your team for plagiarism checking?

The designated team for plagiarism control at DraftCrearte consists of @cindycam @oscarcede. To make the verification more effective, we added the Steemit @endingplagiarism plagiarism team as a moderator.

In addition, the entire team of administrators and moderators is attentive to verify plagiarism and other abuses, even committed members are convinced of being an active part in the cleaning up of this type of actions by reporting on our channel of discord plagiarism-abuse

Do you ensure all photos used in your community are copyright free?

Yes, of course, that is why we emphasize following the rules established in the community regarding the use of photographs and images.

We do not accept the use of bullet points and very thick frames in content photos, as this prevents us from using the tools to check plagiarism in photos.


Does the community team check and comment on every post in the community?

The Draftcrear Community since its inception, we have tried to maintain a permanent interaction with its members, because we consider that this is the best way to create a community, where all users feel that they have been taken into account.

Each member of the Dratcrearte Administrative Team has been assigned a type of publication to be commented, as is the case, of the presentations of new ones in the community, which has been assigned to mod @desisi67, on the other hand, there are the different contests, where the moderators who have taken the initiative, such as: @ roseri, @crearte, @ oscarcc89, @ deisip67, comment on these posts, as well as the others that are out of contests, suggestions are given on following the rules of quality content.

Draftcrearte also has a support team to comment and keep the community active in addition to fulfilling other functions.

The objective of the Draftcrearte Team is to turn our community into a single family, where they admire and praise the work of others.


How often do you post plans and updates for the community?

Weekly we publish new contests, Tops and useful posts for the entire community, for the healthy growth of the DraftCrearte community.

Do you post these through the community account?

Yes, most of our publications are published from the community account, however we also publish important information such as Presentations of the week, Additional Contests, Workshops, among other types of publications from the personal account of the moderators.

Do you have a roadmap or long term plan for the community?

Our action plan is based on three fundamental approaches to grow our community

Communication and integration:

  • We have held meetings through our discord channel and we intend to continue holding them at least every 15 days to clarify doubts regarding strategies and community development plans.
  • We will carry out some of the suggestions that members have left on the Discord suggestion channel and add a survey plan.

Implementing this type of strategy allows members to cooperate and actively interact in the joint construction of the community's objectives.

Share- be - do:

  • We will continue promoting the workshops proposed by our active members, through discord, zoom and other channels. also through tutorial videos.

  • We will implement work tables and brainstorming.

  • We will support innovative ideas to promote entrepreneurship.

  • We will train new members through weekly workshops and challenges.

  • We will launch a new project ¨Coffee with Art¨ where members will have the opportunity to teach the techniques learned in DraftCrearte in person, to people who do not yet belong to Steemit.

This type of strategy allows us to show DraftCrearte in other borders outside of Steemit. It also allows us to take advantage of the resources we have at our disposal to continue building a collaborative learning space where everyone can take ownership through the exchange of experiences.

Self-sustainable development.

  • Continue promoting power Up and delegation in our community to obtain the results we expect in the shortest time possible.
  • The largest percentage of our funds will be to enhance our Sp.
  • Position ourselves in google with CEO strategies.
  • Development of new marketing strategies both to win new members and potential investors.
  • We will offer a Masterclass service using different social and educational platforms with accessible costs for all interested public.


How do you promote your community?

Our weekly contests are a way to promote our community across the Steem blockchain and beyond, as one of the requirements is sharing on social media.

Do you promote your community outside of Steem?

We promote our community through an advertisement on our social media Instagram.


We believe that DraftCrearte deserves an opportunity to receive the support package, as the team works hard to make it a differential community inside and outside of Steemit. We have barely a few months in operation and we have witnessed the progress that its members have experienced from how to create #steemexclusive content, discovery of skills, grow their personal accounts and the value that each one has as a fundamental piece for the growth of the community.

Are you new and would like to join the community? Visit the following post for more details.


Links to support our DraftCrearte community via SP.

50 SP100 SP 250 SP 500 SP

Social Media:



 3 years ago (edited)

Buenas tardes mi gente creativa de DraftCearte, le comento que desde que estoy en esta hermosa, divertida y creativa comunidad, he aprendido muchas cosas como : Lo primordial respetar las reglas exigente de la comunidad, valorar los bellos artes de mis amigos y aprender de ellos, impartir mis artes para un mejor aprendizaje pero sobre todo sentirme parte de la comunidad hace de mí ser, una persona Más responsable, más dedicada, más concentrada y divertido al momento de realizar una creación ,quiero agradecer a #draftcrearte por aceptarme en esta comunidad y felicitarlos porque dicha comunidad nos ayuda a valorar el arte De cada uno de nosotros y de toda la comunidad

 3 years ago 

Amigos me presenté antes ustedes recientemente, para mí ésta comunidad es excelente una de las razones por las que quiero hacer vida en draf crearte es por ser una comunidad bastante dinámica, que integra a todos y promueven concursos con buenos incentivos. De hecho es una de las comunidades en las que pienso apoyar en un futuro no muy lejano. ✨

 3 years ago 

En lo personal tengo poco tiempo en esta plataforma steemit, se me ha hecho un poco complicado entender la dinámica de la misma. Mas sin embargo, desde el día uno en esta comunidad #draftcrearte me siento muy a gusto, aqui mas que una comunidad, es una escuela de arte donde semana a semana tenemos desafios que enfrentar, y gracias a estos puedo decir que conocí muchas técnicas de las cuales puedo comenzar a realizar un emprendimiento. Agradecida una vez mas a @roseri por su apoyo y su indudable dedicación en esta comunidad. Sigamos haciendo power up y levantemos esta comunidad, que sigan creciendo los miembros. Bendiciones.

 3 years ago 

Waaao!! Excelente publicación, gracias a draftcrearte he aprendido muchas cosas desde que llegue a esta comunidad ha sido de maravilla la forma en cómo se trabaja el orden y que nos ayuda a superarnos cada vez más

 3 years ago 

Excellent post. In particular, I have little time within the community and since I entered the community I have had the support of the moderators, through the comments on the publications, and just as they do with me, they also do it with the rest of the active members of the community. I can also say with property that Drafcrearte has been a school for me, because through the weekly contests, I have been able to grow and have discovered other talents in myself as an artist, breaking all limits. In short, in Draftcrearte the vision is "He can do it" and this makes users trust their talents and remove their fears. In addition, with the support in the Disrcord group, we remain active and are motivated to do the power up, for the healthy growth of the community and of each member. God bless this beautiful community.

Esta fue una de las primeras comunidades en las que hice vida cuando llegue a Steemit.

Cuenta con una gran variedad de concursos para mostrar nuestras cualidades artísticas, en cuanto pintura, manualidades, creación de obras de arte.


Saludos a todos, tengo poco tiempo tanto en Steemit como en la comunidad pero Draft Crearte se ha convertido en unas de mis favoritas, desde el primer día que comencé hacer vida aquí sus moderadores han sido muy atentos al explicarme las cosas que no tenia muy clara, haciéndome sentir en casa y en familia donde me han dado la oportunidad de desmotar lo poco o mucho que se y también aprendo de mis compañeros y cuenten conmigo en lo que pueda ayudar.

 3 years ago 

Mi experiencia en DraftCrearte es maravillosa, realmente es un gusto estar compartiendo con todos como una gran familia. Los concursos de DraftCrearte es como una escuela de arte, siempre motivandonos hacer excelentes trabajo . Siento que cada dia aprendo cosas nuevas, en la parte artistica como tambien en la plataforma, es genial.
El post sobre el programa de apoyo a las comunidades es excelente. Felicitaciones a DraftCrearte, me siento muy feliz de compartir en tan prestigiosa comunidad.

Excelente publicacion, en lo particular a mi me encanta esta comunidad porque soy manualista y tambien me gustan los concursos que hacen, ponen a volar nuestra imaginacion.

It's amazing your community doing a great job.
I really like your community.
My best wishes for you.
Keep it up.
I really appreciate your work and your community.
Best of luck.

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