Beautiful flowers picture june 18/06/2021 with @alibhatti

in StockPhotos3 years ago

Hello friends how are you i hope you are all well i am also healthy by the grace and grace of allah today i have a chance to post in the stem stock photo first of all i greet you in the morning sun Show the post which looks very beautiful and wonderful.

Picture of beautiful sun with @alibhatti


When I left my house in the morning to go out to exercise, I found this beautiful view of the morning sun. The clouds had taken the sun in its turmoil. I saved it to my mobile phone camera because it looked too high and I took a picture of it.The early morning scene is seen in a very wonderful and unique way. In the morning you can see a very calm, good and beautiful atmosphere which gives peace and comfort to the human heart and people enjoy exercising and Enjoy the funWhy in the morning the birds are chirping and remembering God and people go out of their houses in the morning to exercise and stay healthy out of concern for their health and their hearts Feels calm and happyAnd in the same way, after exercising for about an hour in the morning, people go home and rest.

Picture of beautiful flowers @alibhatti



So friends, now I want to inform you about another beautiful and charming flower. This flower looked very beautiful and I took a picture of this flower with great satisfaction and saved it.These flowers made the place near them beautiful and charming. People could see and provide peace and joy to their hearts.So friends, now I will tell you about another flower which is very beautiful and magnificent to look at. These flowers are planted to enhance the fancy and beauty of the place.So friends, this is the beautiful flower that I told you about.I hope you like this picture.

Picture of beautiful fruit with @alibhatti


So friends, after that I took a picture of good and beautiful fruits because these flowers looked so beautiful and beautiful. In our village, the people of Kach Pul have published trees which are very lovely and beautiful. If there is a nest of fruits on them, then they look like even more attractive and good fruit trees. The natural fruits that grow on them under their own season, when they see these fruits, my heart and the hearts of the people become gardens and people love these fruits. Wait and show patience. Now these fruits are raw. When they are in their original and solid state, they will look even better and more beautiful and people will take full advantage of them and eat these fruits. Because these are among the blessings of God that are counted.

I hope you enjoyed my post

My introduction achivement 1

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