The Orion spacecraft breaks another Apollo era record
(NASA / art001e000479
The Orion spacecraft successfully entered a deep retrograde lunar orbit, where it will spend a week testing various systems.
In addition, on November 26, Orion broke the Apollo 13 record for the distance of a spacecraft from Earth, which had been held for 52 years.
Orion was launched into space on November 16, 2022, it was the first unmanned flight of a ship in a full configuration and the first launch of an SLS heavy rocket.
Together with the ship, 10 research satellites-cubesats went into space to study interplanetary space, the radiation situation in it and the Moon.
Five days after the launch, the ship fell under the gravitational influence of the Moon.
Then, it made its first close flyby, reaching a distance of 130 kilometers from the surface of the Earth's satellite.
On November 25, Orion turned on its main engine again, performing a maneuver to enter a distant retrograde circumlunar orbit.
While on it, the ship will move around the Moon in the opposite direction to the direction of the Moon around the Earth.
It will stay on it for almost a week, having managed to make half a revolution around the moon during this time.
Then the ship will deorbit, make another close flyby of the Earth's natural satellite and head towards our planet, splashing down in the ocean on December 11th.
On the morning of November 26, Orion broke the record for the maximum distance from the Earth of a spacecraft, which was set by Apollo 13 in 1970
The distance amounted to almost 400,172 kilometers.
On November 28, the ship will be at its maximum distance from the moon.
Currently, engineers are conducting various tests of the ship's systems, which will help in planning the next Artemis flights.
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