What are planetary protection regulations.
What are planetary protection regulations.

We are getting closer to finding life outside of Earth, we are increasingly finding planets, moons and exoplanets where liquid water exists and the elements that we assume are essential for life to emerge, what would happen if they brought bacteria from another planet, how would it adapt? organisms to earth to this form of life, that is why NASA has a special protocol, a protocol that arises from other previous regulations.

It is based on the story of an extraterrestrial microorganism that arrives on Earth aboard a probe that lands in a town in the Western United States, you already know the typical towns where aliens land and these things happen, at least in Hollywood movies. , the thing is that the bacteria infects the town's inhabitants and they all die with their blood transformed into dust, all except a baby and an old drunk.
Life movie trailer
They can expand uncontrollably, they would not have elements and conditions that control them and they would find a lot of fresh food to expand, they could be extremely dangerous for life here on earth, so there are some important protocols, a little before With the publication of this novel on January 27, 1967, the first regulation on this matter and others related to outer space was signed, that is the outer space treaty of the United Nations Organization and it is the legal framework that the states of the United Nations then They have to take into account the time of space exploration.
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