The SETI Institute “talks” to whales

in Popular STEM5 months ago

The SETI Institute “talks” to whales

A team of scientists from the SETI Institute dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence claims to have spoken with a humpback whale in Alaska, although it may seem a little extravagant, the team hopes to apply what they have learned to establish the foundations of our communication efforts with aliens, that is, if we ever make first contact.

“Whales are intelligent creatures with a language that is foreign to us,” said Josie Hubbard, SETI researcher and animal behaviorist at the University of California, and went on to say that “the things we learn from communicating with whales can help us when the time comes.” to connect with extraterrestrials, it is not surprising that any type of exchange of ideas with a humpback whale is far from simple, their language is complex," said Lisa Walker, SETI researcher and theorist of whale song, "they emit cries, moans and squeaks, their vocalizations are fascinating, we are trying to find out what these vocalizations mean” he concluded in December 2023.

The team played underwater recordings of humpback whales for other humpbacks off the coast of Alaska, although most of the mammals ignored them. A female named Twin began circling the boat imitating the sounds. It was a contact, Hubber said. However, it wasn't exactly a intellectual conversation and it seems that the scientists themselves are a little confused about what was actually said, “it may have just been us saying hello and her saying hello and us saying hello again,” Walker admitted, “but it was a definite communication.

He added that Twin did it 36 ​​times in 20 minutes, yet they believe this was the first communicative interaction between humans and humpback whales in their language, the article detailing the experience can be read using the source link.

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