“Confirms” the existence of huge caves on the Moon.

in Popular STEM3 months ago

“Confirms” the existence of huge caves on the Moon.

During the Ice Age our ancestors had to take refuge in Caves to survive the freezing winters that transformed the landscape into a hostile and deadly place for our species. When we go to the moon we will surely have to take refuge in Caves again, this time to protect ourselves. of radiation and micrometeorites.

The news of the study was published on July 15 in the journal Nature, where it discovered enormous caverns, this has many implications, we do not know what is down there in those caverns and it could be useful to us to install lunar bases, factories or even lunar colonies, although that will depend on the next missions to the moon and what he discovers from those caves.


The existence of lunar tunnels or caverns has been known for many years, those who have studied the subject the most are the Japanese and the Americans and also the Chinese, the Chinese even have a plan to create a base inside, so this is not It is the first tunnel that is discovered, why then there are so many headlines in the media that say that it is the first tunnel found on the moon, in this case the fault is not the media, the fault is the owner From the press release from the University of Trento in Italy, which is the University where the scientists who coordinated the international team that carried out this research work, the statement is titled “the existence of a lunar tunnel is demonstrated for the first time.”

I do not think that all researchers think the same about everything. The Japanese, but this does not mean that the new research represents a new advance in the investigation of the Mystery of the lunar tunnels. According to them, there has been an old controversy dating back 50 years when the first moonwell because it was not clear whether these holes were simply shafts or were the collapse of a tunnel roof.

Lorenzo Bruzzone from the University of Trento and coordinator of the research said verbatim “these structures had been hypothesized for more than 50 years, but this is the first time we have demonstrated their existence, that's what Lorenzo said and as I said, I don't believe that all researchers, especially Junichi Haruyama, a researcher at Jaxa, which is the Japanese space agency, agree so much with this statement.


The researchers have reached this conclusion because in the mare tranquilita on the moon or sea of ​​tranquility there is a well that has been known for a long time. The researchers who are in the news now what they did was analyze the radar data from the LRO, which is a NASA ship that orbits the moon, when the ship passes over the well vertically we can easily calculate the depth and width with the radar and we know that the well has a width of 45 m and a depth between 130 to 170 meters, so that Have a reference, the height of the Statue of Liberty is only 93 Meters.

But the question is whether it is a simple well or there is a tunnel underneath and what we actually see is the opening or collapse of that tunnel. To know this, the researchers analyzed the radar data from when the ship was at an angle of 45 degrees. degrees with respect to the vertical of the well and the data show that down in that well there is a hole on the sides, a hole that continues horizontally, that is, a tunnel that continues and at least 30 to 80 meters, we do not know if there is more, although surely yes, maybe much more, why Junichi Haruyama, the researcher at Jaxa, the Japanese space agency that I mentioned before, was a member of a team of researchers that in 2017 announced the discovery of a lunar tunnel or Giant Grotto that would be up to 50 km long and about 100 m wide.

This gigantic tunnel would be located in the Marius hills and with those dimensions it could house an entire city. The Japanese came to that conclusion because they also had a ship orbiting the moon for a year and 8 months, the Selene Probe or Kaguya, which in Japanese It means bright light and they are not the only ones who have reported findings of tunnels. The Chandran 1 orbital probe of ISRO, which is the Indian space agency, photographed a lunar tunnel with a non-collapsed segment that would be about 2 km long and 360 meters wide .

So it would be great to see a debate on the topic of lunar tunnels, because this is a fascinating topic and then we could also find out who was the first to discover them.

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