An exoplanet with eternal nights and eternal days.

in Popular STEM2 years ago

An exoplanet with eternal nights and eternal days.

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On February 3, a team led by astronomer Diana Kosa Kobotsky, from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany, announced the discovery of a new exoplanet, it is rocky and with a mass similar to that of the Earth and is in the habitable zone. from its star, according to the researchers, this new world could be an ideal candidate to search for signs of life, it is called Wolf 1069.

It is located relatively close to us at about 31 light years, it is the sixth planet of terrestrial mass that is within the habitable zone of its star that is closest to us, The star is a red dwarf, that is, it is smaller and colder than the sun, the year on this world lasts 15 and a half days, which means that it is quite close to its star and could be tidally locked, similar to what happens to the moon of the earth that only shows us the same face and this means that in this world there is always light in half of the planet, it is always day and in the other half it is always night.


Astronomers have calculated that an atmosphere may have developed on the planet and this would allow it to have an average temperature on the day side of plus 13 degrees Celsius, let's remember that the average temperature of the earth is plus 15 degrees Celsius; on the night side it would be a permanent winter, but on the day side there would be pleasant temperatures, in fact they have posted the image above.

There could be liquid water on the surface of this world, if it had an atmosphere that maintained that pressure, the only problem with these worlds that are divided between a completely perpetual hemisphere last night and another hemisphere in perpetual day, is that they are believed to have winds very strong, very stormy weather.

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But it would be an ideal world as the researchers have pointed out to study with James Webb, this planet is close to Earth, but with our current technology it would take us thousands of years to get there, this one in particular maybe hundreds of thousands of years with our current technology, we do not have the technology to travel to them, not even to the closest exoplanet which is the next centauri, we do not have the technology to travel to them in a reasonable time.

But we are the first generation to belong to the first era of the discovery of new worlds, previously it was suspected that the stars would have planets as was the case with the solar system, but everyone told you that it was impossible to detect them, now it is technological we have overcome that impossible, We are capable of detecting them, even seeing them directly, not only through transit, but also by analyzing the atmospheres of some of them, and the technology to capture them is constantly being improved.

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