RE: Elizabeth Holmes founder of Theranos was sentenced to 11 years in prison
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There is a LOT to this story!
Goes into #WhatLiesBeneath!
Did a deep dive here and will include a Facebook Frames thread where people can click on the photos and see more evidence and sources.
Pretty Wild, #eery and #Uncanny if you ask me!
Did you know Theranos started by 19yr. old Based in a Rented Basement Near Stanford Campus? Raised millions in first few years and moved to former HQ of Facebook in 2012? Former CDC director on it's board also Henry Kissinger and Jim Mattis? WHOA!?
Facebook Frames Theranos from Science 101. . .A thirst for blood: How Theranos swindled billions
"Silicon Valley's former pin up girl". . .according to 60 minutes Australia. . ."Elizabeth Homes has No Choice but to face her #reckoning!"
Did you catch it?… See more in this thread here,