Art Explained By A Writer - The Poultry Seller

in Venezolanos Steem2 months ago (edited)

art review 1807(3).jpg

Good morning madam, how can I help you? You look a bit pale. Did you sleep at all last night? Unfortunately I cannot offer you a seat or a cup of tea. I assume such a dignified lady does not sit on the floor?


How quickly life took a turn. It seemed ages ago but it was only yesterday that fate struck or at least the moment when there was no way back. Trembling she took a few steps towards the seller. Her voice whispered as she asked for help.

How did you find me? I am not on the internet.

She was silent, stared at the man sitting there indecently dressed and then looked at the merchandise. It was not much but what she was looking for was present. She shuddered at the thought but an order was an order.

Are you looking for this, said the man as he held up a white chicken. It works excellently against the black eye and I only have one of them left. I don't know when the next delivery will come. As you know, white chickens have become scarce.

She was still silent and looked as if she could faint any moment. He prayed that wouldn't happen because a dead damsel on his merchandise would ruin his name.

No, she managed, holding a handkerchief against her nose and mouth and swallowing convulsively. I need a rabbit's foot, or two. I'm not sick so I don't need the chicken, just two rabbit feet, please.

Painter: Gabriël Metsu (Dutch)
Painting: The Poultry Seller
Contest hosted by @solperez

Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
En Venezuela se utilizan las patas de conejo para la suerte. Igual que los rabos. Mi papá criaba conejos y yo tenía una pata como amuleto, pero lo perdí. Por fortuna, no me ha caído la mala suerte, jeje.

Me encantó leerte. Gracias por estar. Un abrazo.

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White chickens are used to get rid of the bad luck and please the good spirits but in this case she also went for a rabbit foot. I'm not sure I ever had one, my elder sibling did. Bad luck? I broke a mirror and thought: 7 more years of bad luck is hard to believe must be in my next life. On the other hand, I broke a jar today which kept me busy cleaning the shards of glass for hours. They say that shards of glass bring luck. Let's hope it's enough to cover the broken mirrors and the rest of the unluck waiting for me or I have to drop some glasses to break the next spells.
I must say that the Year of the Dragon wasn't bad at all though. I met great writers and made an adorable friend.
A warm embrace to you.

Un amigo me dijo una vez, que romper espejos era de buena suerte. Pero que nos habían inculcado lo contrario, para que la suerte estuviera en pocas manos, jajaja. Así que, por lo visto, buenos tiempos llegarán a tu vida; y yo estaré dichosa de que así sea. Un abrazo, amiga mía.

I believe I have enough luck with what is left . A great day my friend

Oh, dear, longtime not reading

You, I enjoyed it a lot. The last white chicken was safe, unfortunately we can not say the same about the poor little rabbit.


Since that extremely big rabbit is already dead (I thought the guy is a poultry seller?) she decided to go for the rabbit foot instead. Let's hope it will have the desired result. You never know.. which brings me to the next story I have in mind and intended to write first but since everyone took that picture...

A great day to you my friend. It's indeed a long time we read and chatted. I wish you all the best.
A hug to you.

⚠️AI-Generated!! 🚷🚷🚷❌❌⚠️




How's that for proof?
cc: @weisser-rabe, @hive-107855 @steemcurator08

I can go on ..

Nigerian? Join the Steemit hunters they are happy to have you.

That's all you have to say after being caught red-handed? You preach originality and use AI, is it?

You gotta pick one dear, either you're an hypocrite or your AI-detector is unreliable.. don't digress!!

I see it's time to write about that again. I will mention you when my statement is ready.

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