SEC-S16-W2 | For the birds

Hey Steemian friends!

We have a one of a kind contest for the first time! Entertaining I must say. I enjoyed the short movie and to my surprise It was released in 2000 and won the Academy Award in 2001. I wonder why YT never suggested this video for me even though I'm a big fan of Animated movies. Anyhow let's talk about it then...

The story kicks off with this wire. One cool bird tried to chill on it and there was his whole gang, occupying his cool spot. Aren't we all having this issue! I mean take the spot where you sit at the home, you get it right? 😂 Anyhow, he settles there allowing his gang to chill on the wire he found seconds ago. But now what! A weird looking giant bird want to join the party.

Mr. Awkward Feather

Seriously! doesn't he get that he can't fit in with these all tiny and cute birds. The little bird squad shows Mr. Awkward Feather that they don't really like him. I feel for him. It's like me going to play cricket with 10 years old but they don't want this over-enthusiastic uncle in their team. So what do I do? ruin their party! 😈

Guess what? Mr. Awkward Feather just did that by landing right on the middle. Damn this guy is so heavy the wire couldn't hold.

Party crashers

Just think about it! a minute ago these little birds were minding their own business and this giant unwelcomed guest is now ruined their chill atmosphere. So as any one of us they started giving the side eye to this awkward situation.

How often do these uninvited guests make their way into our lives?

Did he care though! NO... he just mocked them. So, these little birds has no other option but attack the trespasser. The problem was they didn't think the final outcome. This giant bird is so powerful that when he let go the wire little birds feathers shattered and dropped naked.

Before getting violent, it's wise to evaluate the conditions first.

Sometime no matter how unfair the situation is we have to take a moment to assess the situation and act. Because sometime we don't have a clue about the outcome and how powerful are the opposite. If we act without assessing his powers we will end up like little birds.

Now I know, there's a two side to this story. For most of you I'm guessing that little birds has to be the villain in this story.


  • The little birds judge the big bird solely based on his appearance.
  • They didn't welcome him into their group on the wire and showed exclusionary behavior.
  • The little birds mock and ridicule the big bird's attempts to fit in.
  • Little birds lack empathy for the big bird's desire to be part of the group.
  • Little birds resist diversity in their group and reject anyone different.
  • Little birds display arrogance and a sense of superiority.
  • The behavior of the little birds can be seen as a form of social bullying.

I get all of it. But I just wanted to think from their perspective as well and give the story another angle to think while passing judgment on me 😃

However, here's where the "For the Birds" magic kicks in for not just me but even for my country, perhaps world we live in.

With its diverse cultures, religions, and traditions, my country Sri Lanka and our society often experiences this scenario more frequently than you would imagine. We've got a tendency to stick to our own flocks, rarely daring to venture outside our comfort zones. It's like we're all perched on our individual wires, suspiciously eyeing anyone who dares to be a little different.

Hence, my friend, the moral of "For the Birds" tale is crystal clear. It's about breaking free from the conformity and understanding that the richness of our society lies in the vibrant diversity of its people. Whether you're into Cricket or Football, Kottu or Club sandwich, Sarees or frock, it's time to ditch the judgment and celebrate everyone choices as it is in our collective cap.

So, let's tear down those social wires, embrace the uniqueness around us, and create a community where everyone can find their rhythm. After all, life's too short to be divided against each other and protect the wire 😉

Thank you for this interesting contest @venezolanos. Looking forward to taking on the next week’s challenge. I would like to invite @basil20, @deepak94 & @starrchris to participate in this contest.

Thank you.

Peace to all 🙏

All the screen shots are from the Corto Pixar "For the Birds" YT video


Your post engaging and humorous take on the animated short film brings a fresh perspective to the narrative. The analogy of finding a spot at home akin to the birds on the wire adds a relatable touch to your reflection. Your comparison of the giant bird to an over-enthusiastic uncle in a cricket game adds a playful element to your storytelling. your insightful analysis of the little birds' behavior provides a thoughtful reflection on societal norms and the need for embracing diversity.

That's a good review on my article. Thanks for that 🎉

Gracias por publicar en la comunidad #Venezolanossteem
Hola amigo, gracias por tu apoyo y participación.

Muy interesante leer los dos ángulos de la historia, es evidente que algunos tomaran un lado y otros el otro, pero realmente todos estamos en un mismo lado, aprendiendo a vivir y ambos grupos deben aceptar su rol y tratar de vivir sin discriminar y como bien dices, permitiendonos salir de la zona de confort y darnos el premiso de conocer a los demás; nuestro aprendizaje en la vida se da de la relación que tengamos con el entorno.
Ha sido un gusto leerte.
Saludos, te deseo mucho éxito.

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Barner cortesia de @blessedlife

Thanks for the review @genomil

Las palabras con las que concluyes este reto son completamente asertivas:

derribemos esos cables sociales, abracemos la singularidad que nos rodea y creemos una comunidad donde todos puedan encontrar su ritmo.

Mi vecina diría **se tenía que decir y se dijo je je je. Excelente

Your neighbor sounds like someone with a good sense! 😉

Saludos cordiales gran amigo virajherath, un placer para mi saludarte y leer tu participación.

La sociedad y sus antivalores, nunca van a dejar de existir, no se puede erradicar pero si se puede es frenar, no aceptar y depende es de cada persona, de cada niño no acertar en bulling.

Te deseo un feliz, bonito, productivo y bendecido día.

Yes, it's indeed a collective effort to stand against something like bullying. But it is a very sensitive subject now. Thank you for your thoughtful words.

Hello friend

You shared your thoughts from the article highlighting the activities that took place and how it is really worth learning. It is a thing to feel happy about thatbwr must learn to accommodate everyone no matter their country or race. It's a thing of joy to have you stress how impressive you were about the entry. It was really a beautiful article and I'm glad I stopped by.

And I'm glad you read it and given such lovely comment.

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

hey your relatable analogy of finding the perfect spot at home and the comparison of the giant bird to an over-enthusiastic uncle bring a playful element to your storytelling. Your thoughtful analysis of both sides of the story highlighting the little birds' judgment and the big bird's desire for acceptance adds depth to your reflection. The connection you draw between the film's message and the cultural diversity in Sri Lanka is powerful emphasizing the importance of breaking free from conformity and celebrating uniqueness. best wishes in the contest..

You have a special skill, I can sense it. But I'm not going to spill it out 😉

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