Tu opinión Importa/Semana #17/Tema de la semana/

in Venezolanos Steem17 days ago

Your opinion matters/Week #17/Femicide @genomil in Venezuelans Steem

You have asked for our opinion on a very burning issue, women all over the world are victims of men's violence, their lust, their evil eyes and taunting. If we talk about our country, then at present our country has a population of 1.45 billion which is one-sixth of the world's population.

And in the same proportion, the population of women and girls in our country is also very high. Therefore, it was not possible for our country to remain untouched by such incidents.

When crimes are committed against women in any country, it is the duty of all the people of the country to condemn the criminal wholeheartedly, in our country strict laws have been made against criminals against women.

But due to the lack of justice system, large population, and courts, it takes a long time for the criminal to get punishment for his crime, or else he finds a way to escape punishment by taking advantage of some loophole in the law.

I feel that the politicians of any country also stand as a shield for such criminals, while they do not think that they also have sisters, daughters, mothers and wives in their homes.



I feel that very strict laws should be made against criminals in all countries and their decisions should be made in fast track courts within 15-20 days and there should be a provision to punish the criminals on the crossroads like the law of Arab countries.

Because by doing this, no criminal will dare to do this again. After this punishment, people's faith in justice will increase.

Just a few days ago, in a city of our country, an intern doctor was brutally raped and murdered in her own hospital at night. In protest against this, lakhs of people came out on the streets. The criminal was also caught but some politicians and officials started saving him.

Although he confessed his crime, but the involvement of others is also visible in this crime. That is why some big officials and politicians are defending him.

In my life, I have never supported any person who has committed a crime against a woman, nor have I had any dealings with him. If it were up to me, I would punish such criminals myself. I served in the medical department for 40 years and most of my colleagues were women, I always supported them and protected their interests.

We should teach our children and society such character traits that we should look at women with respect, there should be a social boycott of any criminal who commits a crime against a woman.

You are right that women should first understand the behavior of that person and be alert before he commits a crime, they should openly talk to people for their safety. And appropriate action should be taken against that criminal or the person who is going to commit a crime.

In the end, I want to say that I openly oppose crimes against women, and I also expect the same from my colleagues.

I also want to invite here


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Thanks for reading my post, I pray to God for the progress and happy future of all Steemians.

With Great love and honour,



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I feel that very strict laws should be made against criminals in all countries and their decisions should be made in fast track courts within 15-20 days and there should be a provision to punish the criminals on the crossroads like the law of Arab countries.

Because by doing this, no criminal will dare to do this again. After this punishment, people's faith in justice will increase.

Just a few days ago, in a city of our country, an intern doctor was brutally raped and murdered in her own hospital at night. In protest against this, lakhs of people came out on the streets. The criminal was also caught but some politicians and officials started saving him.

Although he confessed his crime, but the involvement of others is also visible in this crime. That is why some big officials and politicians are defending him.

In my life, I have never supported any person who has committed a crime against a woman, nor have I had any dealings with him. If it were up to me, I would punish such criminals myself. I served in the medical department for 40 years and most of my colleagues were women, I always supported them and protected their interests.

We should teach our children and society such character traits that we should look at women with respect, there should be a social boycott of any criminal who commits a crime against a woman.

You are right that women should first understand the behavior of that person and be alert before he commits a crime, they should openly talk to people for their safety. And appropriate action should be taken against that criminal or the person who is going to commit a crime.

In the end, I want to say that I openly oppose crimes against women, and I also expect the same from my colleagues.

Hello friend,
You must have made some technical mistake today, you have sent me a big part of my post instead of your comment.
Still thanks for visiting my post and reading it.
Thank you.

Disculpa, cierto amigo, el mousse esta loco se queda pegado mañana le voy a hacer una limpieza, me parece muy bien que pienses de esa forma de las mujeres, si en todas partes merecemos respeto, muchos como que no tienen esa consideración.

Amigo éxito en la dinámica.

No hay problema amigo, ya había entendido que debe haber alguna razón técnica por la cual esto ha sucedido.
No sabía que tu "rata" te molestaba tanto en el escritorio como en la cocina. [Es broma, amigo]
Que Dios te dé éxito.

Gracias por publicar en la comunidad #Venezolanossteem
Hola amigo, gracias por tu apoyo y participación.

Es inaceptable que sigan ocurriendo estos crímenes contra la mujer, y las cifras siguen en aumento, los países deberían unirse para acabar con este terrible mal.
Mientras la justicia no hace su trabajo, nosotros desde casa debemos hacer el nuestro y es a través de la educación que evitaremos formar hombres maltratadores y mujeres sumisas que aguanten estos maltratos, todos tenemos nuestra cuota de responsabilidad al criar a los hombres y mujeres del mañana, porque el mañana es hoy.
Saludos amigo, gracias por compartir tu valiosa opinión con nosotros.

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I really liked your evaluation and comments, I think that someday some revolutionary step will be taken and this problem will definitely be solved.
Thank you.

The Kolkata doc case was indeed a terrible incident, which affected us equally. I saw many social media influencers' posts about her. More or less, the situation of justice is similar here. People in power are always a hurdle in such cases. Some news reported that the victim doc was actually working on exposing some illegal organ transplantation. was that really happening or are these just rumors?

Hello friend,

No, I have not heard or read any such news yet that the doctor was investigating this matter, but it was heard that the main accused and other people involved in gang rape and the Dean of that medical college were involved in such acts.

This matter is under consideration of CBI and court, it would not be appropriate for me to comment more on it.
Thank you.

Oh man! Another case of... reality!

As South Africa celebrated Women's Month last month, it was with deep sadness that I got to hear more and more about women being raped and murdered. I cannot understand how it can happen.
Surely we all grow up with the understanding that we need to respect women. Surely our parents, our teachers, and our community educated us about the values of life.
It just blows my mind and makes me so upset!

Hello my worthy friend,
There is no doubt that in this civilized society we all should respect and honor women, and yes, at this time governments should make strict laws in the direction of increasing crimes against women all over the world. And they should also be implemented strictly. Any kind of laxity and interference should not be tolerated in this.
With respect.

I agree 100%!

Saludos amigo muchas gracias por la invitación es un tema que da mucha tela que cortar la violencia hacia más mujeres o femicidio es algo imperdonable pienso que estás personas no merecen la cárcel merecen morir

Hello @rosselena
You accepted my invitation and made a very correct comment on the crimes against women. I thank you for this support. With best wishes.

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