A blend of innate simplicity and nobility

in Venezolanos Steem3 months ago (edited)

Hello my steemian friends,

This is my participation in the contest” Art and Writing Contest #123 Hosted by @solperez in Venezolanos Steem

Thanks to @senehasa for invitation.


I also want to invite here

@naka05 @haidee , @leudi & @paholags

Katrine was a simple and very beautiful girl of about 17 years of age living in a small village named Gilleleje in Denmark.

The prince saw her while she was walking on the road and was impressed by her immense beauty. Prince Derrick expressed his desire to marry this girl to his queen mother.

The prince was very fond of the queen mother and she could do anything to fulfill his wish. The queen mother immediately sent her messengers to call Katrine's father to the royal palace.

The poor father reached the palace scared. He had scary thoughts in his mind about what punishment he would be given.

But all his fear vanished when he appeared before the queen mother. He saw that the queen mother was a very beautiful, civilized, and simple noble lady.

The queen did not waste time and expressed her prince's desire. The poor father was overjoyed. This was like a dream for him.

Without a moment's delay, she said yes. And soon Katrine got married to the Prince.

After marriage, Katrine reached the royal palace and was trained to wear royal clothes, walk, speak, talk and was taught the qualities of nobility, and in a short time she learnt all the qualities of being a noble lady. But her natural civility, her delicate mind and her childishness were still the same.

And one day when their royal carriage was passing in front of a fair surrounded by the hills of Siena city, Princess Katrine stopped the royal carriage and entered the fair alone on foot.

All the vendors and passers-by were surprised to see this noble lady coming on foot in the fair, but when she talked to everyone, friendly, simply, she won everyone's heart. And the atmosphere there became pleasant.

Thanks for reading my post, I pray to God for the progress and happy future of all Steemians.

With Great love and honour,



Aha, it is another way, a very good story. All the best.

Thanks again for inviting me in contest.

Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
Existen personas que llegan a tener mucho dinero y poder, y eso no hace que cambien su "don de gente noble y bondadosa". Fíjate que no todos los que pertenecen a la nobleza son nobles. Pero esta princesa sí lo era. Pero, además existen, como contraparte, seres humanos innobles que, cuando llegan a tener una "pizca" de poder ,se sienten con el derecho de maltratar a los demás. Estas son, para mí, personas carentes de belleza espiritual.

Me encantó leerte. Gracias por estar. Un abrazo.

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Hello Madam,

You are right, actually I have seen some other cases where a common man gets pride as soon as he gets money and starts insulting others, and considers this rudeness as his right, but here since a noble lady is roaming in the fair, and such activities are self-restricted by the noble people, hence the exception character had to be changed in that direction.

Thank you for praising me.

Saludos, mi estimado. Espero seguirte leyendo por acá.

Thank you Madam,
I will also be happy to know your great knowledge, to learn something new from you.
With respect and regards.

Hermosa historia donde se muestra que la humildad, la cercanía y la sencillez no deben perderse por alcanzar posiciones privilegiadas. La narración me gustó mucho, me fue llevando de forma fluida a conocer la historia de la joven princesa Katrine.

Me sumo a sus oraciones.

Hola, amigo,
Me alegra que te haya gustado mi historia, me animaste dejando un maravilloso comentario.

Katrine ya tiene aires de reina. Tu historia me recuerda que no hay que perder la sencillez en la vida, deja un bonito mensaje para todos. Saludos!

Respected friend,
You liked the story and commented on it emotionally, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
with love.

But all his fear vanished when he appeared before the queen mother. He saw that the queen mother was a very beautiful, civilized, and simple noble lady.

The queen did not waste time and expressed her prince's desire. The poor father was overjoyed. This was like a dream for him.

Without a moment's delay, she said yes. And soon Katrine got married to the Prince.

After marriage, Katrine reached the royal palace and was trained to wear royal clothes, walk, speak, talk and was taught the qualities of nobility, and in a short time she learnt all the qualities of being a noble lady. But her natural civility, her delicate mind and her childishness were still the same.

And one day when their royal carriage was passing in front of a fair surrounded by the hills of Siena city, Princess Katrine stopped the royal carriage and entered the fair alone on foot.

All the vendors and passers-by were surprised to see this noble lady coming on foot in the fair, but when she talked to everyone, friendly, simply, she won everyone's heart. And the atmosphere there became pleasant.

Dear friend, it seems to me that there is some problem in your system, you are sending my post to me as a comment.
Please check it.

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Me encantó tu historia. Si de algo estoy convencida es que cuando una persona mantiene sus valores como la humildad y sencillez, por mucho que esté avanzando en posiciones, siempre hará lo correcto y, debemos mantenerlos.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚


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