How To Teach a Child to Make Correct Decisions

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Among the different options that are presented to us, choosing one is what we call making a decision. A child must be preparing little by little in this field, it is necessary that they exercise and instruct them as they reach maturity.
What else would parents want, but to accompany them all their lives and help them in everything they need, but it will not always be like that, in fact, in the way society is developing, children have a lot of independence, they develop activities outside from home, there are times when they escape our gaze, therefore we must teach them every day how to defend themselves in an increasingly demanding world.

At that precise moment when we are not by his side and he must choose between a universe of possibilities, let's think: Is my son capable of making the right decision without my help? Well, we know that a child is not able to solve a problem as an adult, but that is not why we should excuse ourselves and not make them exceptional children, capable of learning and analyzing a situation, yes, it is very important not to approach them with too much information as they may feel overwhelmed.

A child should feel free to communicate, as this will create confidence and prevent your child from hiding things from you, communication makes your child know your opinion and how are your reactions and decisions.

You need to cultivate their self-esteem, because they will feel the confidence that is required when choosing, when children feel confident, they believe in themselves and their identity. It is also important to generate responsibility in them, since it plays a very important role in decision-making. After making a decision, it is necessary to take responsibility for what has been decided.


Your child must know that making a decision is a personal concept, where he must be able to analyze a situation, we ourselves at home can prepare them with things as simple as they choose which food they prefer, a special day is not bad, what kind of clothes they would choose. We can also include them in some of the important decisions that are made at home, listen to their opinion, always setting limits and restrictions, and very, very important in cultivating norms and rules in them, that they know how to distinguish between good and bad according to their ages of course.

A child should know that it is good to be picked up by mom or dad when leaving school, but it is bad to be picked up by a stranger. It is a small example that you can shape according to your rhythm of life.
The idea is not to stun them and make them feel pressured by decisions, no, the idea is that as they grow up they will be able to have their own criteria, with the help of mom and dad, because they are the ones who can guide you to make the best decisions .

Show your son that you trust him, and make him trust you, the trust between the two of you will make each other feel safe, your son will know that you trust him and will feel capable of making decisions and will do it the best way.


Excelente consejos. Bendiciones

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