in HeartChurch4 years ago

May the beauty of you not be the external one, which consists of ornaments such as ostentatious hairstyles, gold jewelry and luxurious dresses. That its beauty is rather the incorruptible one, the one that comes from the intimacy of the heart and consists of a soft and peaceful spirit. This one does have a lot of value before God.
1 Peter 3: 3-4


There are many Christian people who define the word humility as having no economic resources or at least not having much money or luxuries, the Apostle Peter defines humility as an inner beauty born of the heart, gentle and soft as the voice of God, where the important thing is not luxuries, nor money and much less power.

This does not mean that to be filled with God we should not have anything, intimacy with God will not be greater if your bank account number has more or less money, intimacy with God tries to love him with all our heart, soul and spirit, be obedient to his commandments and recognize the sacrifice and love of Jesus.

On one occasion, I met a pastor who thought he would not receive calls from God, when he had the opportunity to thrive economically rejected and even in an opportunity to give a better brand car and this pastor rejected the gift because he had to prosper. of sin, in this way he condemned his family to live for many years in poverty and mediocrity, because this sign of humble meant having nothing.

When we delight in Jehovah, when in any situation we become more attached to God, when we praise God in good and bad, when we are focused on the kingdom then God adds the rest, they are blessings from God and we can be Surely when we have received those material blessings it is because God has also blessed us spiritually and even before materially.

When we are full of pride, arrogance, when the meterial is more valuable than the presence of God in our lives, humility is not lost because we have more or less stones, humility is lost when this becomes our treasure, being our true treasure the presence of God, salvation in Jesus and his mercy.

We must not focus on what we have or do not have and what we have, we must focus on finding God because God is vital to live, breathe, feel fully, in rejoicing and God is responsible for adding and knowing what is necessary

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