The Essence of Life

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Good Evening

I love to write on this topic HOPE, because it's the essence of life. My Uncle always tell me to always keep my hope alive no matter the situation or challenges I'm facing. Infact he said the only person that doesn't have hope or hopeless is a dead man. Because the only place were hope doesn't exist is the grave.


Hope is to cherish a desire with anticipation. a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.

Many of us couldn't even live a life of peace without having hope deep inside our hearts. This life is very hard ,unpredictable and quite difficult at times.

Things go beyond our control and out of our hands so many times and the only forces that help us keep the fight going and improve the chances of making our life better is called HOPE.

Hope also keeps our eyes open for an improved future. I know it's very hard keeping up with our inner faith during this notorious and critical times, but ,those who have hope will actually fight till the end.

Let me share some Bible verses that gives me Hope when I'm depressed :

1 Peter chapter 1 verses 3:4 says:

Blessed be the God and father of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Which according to
his abundant mercy hath begotten us again
Unto a living "Hope" by the resurrection
of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Jeremiah 29:11 also says:

For I know the plan I have for you,
Declared the Lord. Plans for welfare
And not for evil, to give you a future
and Hope.

So when ever you feel depressed and hopeless please go to the word of God and be inspired.


No doubt life is a solid war zone. But it’s not too bad either. Try to keep your eyes full of dreams. Hope not only gives you the strength to overcome a pain, but it also makes the journey for the future easier. Let’s not worry about the fact that today is bad. Hope keeps us telling that tomorrow will be better than this. Hope is optimism. When I’m hopeful for anything, I’m thinking that sorrow and difficulty of today will soon end. Hope keeps us stay positive. As you know, our mind has lots of effects on our actions. If your mind tells you to stay strong on a path and not to lose courage, you will do so.

So, hope gives a positive mind power. It generates an aura around you which protects you from the negatives. This is why; hope will always be the essence of life.


Hope helps us to ignore the sufferings of the present. When we stay positive about our future, and feel that we have to fight to win the problems, our probability to succeed increases. It happens because we fight trying to stay mentally strong and give our best efforts. Hope is a belief. You believe something good will happen. The intensity of this feeling can really change your present and future. It’s said hope, which is also your belief, is a deep sense hidden in our subconscious mind. Remember that our subconscious mind is the most powerful thing on this earth. With its help, you can make an impossible possible.


Now you understand that being hopefully is always very positive and keep us believing.

It is motivational and inspirational to live of life, so make your hope strong, let your Hope give you courage and power to stick to your dreams has long has you breath.

If you have strong aspirations, Hope, Faith nothing can bring you down not even the devil himself,

So be hopeful because only the dead is hopeless

Thanks for reading

Images source :unsplash

 3 years ago