in HeartChurch3 years ago



The early disciples we're highly discouraged and weak as Jesus was still in the grave. But when the News of His resurrection broke out, they were highly motivated and courageous to go out. There was a divine strength in them, with high motivational morale in going out to preach the gospel. It was the greatest news to them; their minds were highly strong with unhindered great joy.
They were refreshed in the minds; with renewed spiritual strength, coupled with divine vigor that their master was alive again.
The resurrection then became strength and hope of the church. The early disciples could carry the gospel to any part of the world. They were bold to preach the gospel everywhere and to any person, The church was highly influenced, and people gave their lives to Christ, Holy Ghost came as a result of the resurrection
Today our boldness and strength is that resurrection. Apostle Paul in Romans 8:1, put more fire in our bones by saying

"Romans 8:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you";

That resurrection power dwells in you, as long as you are born-again it is able to quicken your mortal body, that is making you more spiritually effective to overcome barriers and hindrances coming your ways, by it you are more than a conqueror and overcomer; and able proclaimer of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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