Wisdom to manage

in HeartChurch3 years ago

In the Bible we find principles that guide us to make wise decisions.

God shows his interest in having his children lead successful lives, he is busy giving the guidelines that guarantee success.
Obedience is the powerful spiritual weapon to live wisely.

Before God puts wealth and wealth in our hands, we need to be prepared to exercise stewardship wisely.

Knowing God's rules, those things that he dislikes and does not approve of is our task, which enables us to be efficient stewards of all the goods that God gives us.

In Proverbs 11: 1 it teaches that God is pleased with the full weight and hates the false weight, the 31 verses that make up chapter 11 teach us how the behavior of the child of God should be in the administration of goods and wealth and the reward that You receive for being a faithful practitioner of the divine advice that brings wisdom.

Whatever our trade, business or job, being sound in administration is a clear demonstration of the wisdom that God can only give to his children and it is up to us to learn from the scriptures and make wise decisions by the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God. that lives in us.

The salvation of the soul is received by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, believing in the power of forgiveness of sins through his death and resurrection, his shed blood cleanses us from sin enabling us to receive the Holy Spirit of God in our spirit, guaranteeing our salvation and giving us the right to be children of God.
He repeat the following prayer and by faith he will be saved.

Lord Jesus I receive you in my heart with my only and sufficient Lord and Savior, I believe and confess that you are God, I ask your forgiveness for all my sins, inscribe my name in the book of life, help me to live for you and for you, thanks for saving me, amen.

Proverbs 22: 9 The generous will be blessed because he gives of his bread to the poor. The Bible.

10% of the gain of this publication is to support @heartchurch and 10% to @steemchurch for social program, Bread from Heaven

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