Power to make riches

in HeartChurch3 years ago

The book of Matthew 9: 9-13 shows Matthew in the exercise of his functions as collector of National Public Taxes to the people of Israel.

Mateo was corrupt in the fulfillment of his duties, he took advantage of the authority he had in the tax office, he charged more money than was established, the extra money he pointed to his personal account in order to enrich himself.

The ill-gotten fortune of money does not enrich, what comes easily, easily vanishes because it has no sustenance in itself, sooner or later troubles will come.

When God enriches you, he does not add sadness with it, if you lose the fortune that God gave you, you can have full certainty that the same God who gave it the first time, will give it again and it will be greater and better than the first time. quality and quantity, because the substance of your wealth is Jehovah God of armies. God is the owner of gold and silver and the one who gives the power to get wealth.

Before the time of the crisis in the country arrived, we were all rich and we did not know it, even the poor within their poverty had to cover their basic needs. Rich is not only the one who has an uncountable fortune of money, it is also the one who with less money covers all his needs so that he does not need anything, he is satisfied and his life is good. As King David said "Jehovah is my Shepherd I will lack nothing", King David was rich, but his confidence was not in the wealth that he possessed, but in God who gave him the power to get wealth.

In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) one was given 5 talents, the second 2 and the third 1, at first glance it seems an unequal and unfair distribution, but the point is not the amount that each one receives, but the opportunity and what he will do with it, all received the same possibility, but only the first 2 used it to increase the wealth, consequently they received more from their lord. It does not matter how little or how little we have but how we use it to duplicate it.

God is a specialist in making much with little, he is the only one who can multiply by zero and the result is positive balance, because from nothing he can make everything as described in Genesis chapter 1, the earth was empty nothing existed, God spoke and everything was made according to what he said.

The biblical advice is to call things that are not as if they were, it is important to keep in mind God's formula, act and speak to bring into material existence what already exists in the spiritual world.

If you think about it, what is money? It is a good that exists in the spiritual world and remember that God is the owner of gold and silver, that is to say he is the owner of money and we the children of God are his heirs, we are also owners of everything that belongs to God.

A house is money, a car, the food we eat, the NFTs (non fungible tokens), the virtual land in HeartFarms, the Diary Telos, the Heartchurch mini chicken farms, Bread from Heaven, all things are money even this article proof of my intellect, with a very good chance of becoming money once published in the Heartchurch community in this social media.

Every single thing we do has the opportunity to turn into the untold fortune of money we need. The way we look at money must change, money is spiritual it comes from God, the Bible says for man to enjoy the fruit of his labor which is money and honor God with all his goods, that is money, because it comes from him. King Solomon said in Proverbs 11: 25 The generous soul shall prosper, and he that satisfieth shall be satisfied.

The biblical story of the poor widow with a great debt that she could not pay, teaches us to look carefully at what we have in our hands that is useful to generate wealth, once we have found it let us speak the appropriate words remembering that in our mouth is the power of God to bless, prosper, produce, reproduce, bear fruit and multiply with life all things, so that we honor God and remain in financial freedom with fullness.

The day Jesus told Matthew to "follow me", a transformation in mind and heart occurred, he turned from a man with dishonest practices to obtain wealth to a man who learned to trust the teachings of the master, using the formula of acting and speaking powerful words of blessing with faith and trust. Matthew was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus who reproduced with power the works of his master.

Jesus Christ has the model tailored to the measure of faith that each one possesses to advance in a new, revolutionary and creative way to make the riches, it is his power that is unleashed as we walk clinging to his hand.

The Bible says commit thy way unto the Lord and he will do it. The way to make riches is and will always be faith in God, put the work and everything we do whether big or small, important or not in his hands to succeed and fly to the heights on eagle's wings.

Proverbs 22: 9 The generous will be blessed because he gives of his bread to the poor. The Bible.

10% of the gain of this publication is to support @heartchurch and 10% to @steemchurch for social program, Bread from Heaven

The salvation of the soul is received by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, believing in the power of forgiveness of sins through his death and resurrection, his shed blood cleanses us from sin enabling us to receive the Holy Spirit of God in our spirit, guaranteeing our salvation and giving us the right to be children of God.

We all need to be saved, believe sincerely in your heart and repeat the following prayer that by faith you may be saved.

Lord Jesus I receive you in my heart as my only and sufficient Lord and Savior, I believe and confess that you are God, I ask your forgiveness for all my sins, inscribe my name in the book of life, help me to live by you and for you, thank you for saving me, amen.

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