Loving words of Jesus

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Reading of the sacred writing of God, the Bible in the gospel according to Saint John 14: 1 Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me.

The words of Jesus in this chapter give us the strength and peace we need in difficult times.

Sometimes it is common to live situations that disturb the heart, steal the peace that affects faith and trust in God.
We feel mistrust, we believe that we cannot get out of the disturbing situation, we find it impossible to overcome with our strength the anguish that torments us; Perhaps it is about economic problems, health, difficulties in relationships with other people, family or marriage.

The Christian life is based on faith in God, faith is never and will never be linked to feelings, faith operates in the believer who believes even though the night is dark and the sky covered with black clouds that hide the rays of the sun.

Our forces are often useless to overcome the difficulties we are experiencing and to regain the peace we yearn for.

Believing in our Lord Jesus is the right way, there are no shortcuts, there is no other way to find the strength, the power, the answer, the peace or the solution that we need.

Trust in the power of Jesus Christ to receive the help of the Holy Spirit, our comforter in all affliction that mitigates the pain of the broken soul.

Believe that Jesus lives within us and we are united to him, that we will receive what is necessary to overcome difficulties when we ask with faith and trust.

The loving words of Jesus are an invitation that encourages us to trust and believe in him all the time. John 14:27 I leave you peace, I give you my peace, I do not give it to you as the world gives it. Not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Proverbs 22: 9 The generous will be blessed because he gives of his bread to the poor. The Bible.

10% of the gain of this publication is to support @heartchurch and 10% to @steemchurch for social program, Bread from Heaven

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