Look at me in the details, be grateful

in HeartChurch3 years ago

The Bible says in the book of Psalms 103: 1-2 Bless, my soul, Jehovah. And bless my whole being the holy name of him. Bless, my soul, Jehovah. And don't forget any of the benefits of it.

Make a list of 5 or more things to thank God for every morning, make a new list of 5 things every day, show your grateful heart to God every day. You will see that at the end of the week, you will have to put effort into choosing 5 things to be thankful for.

All the details, although they seem unimportant, are necessary and beneficial in our life, therefore we need to be grateful even for the flowers in the garden, which brighten the morning, with their pleasant aroma they perfume the house and their beautiful colors adorn it when they are placed in a garden. vase on the table. Be grateful and rejoice with all that God gives you.

When you sit down and are alone, be thankful that God's promise is "He alone makes him live in a family" Book of Psalms 68: 6. When sadness overwhelms you for any reason, then be thankful because you will not be sad forever, remember the word of God that they say in the book of Psalms 30:11 You have changed my lament into dance; You untied my sackcloth and girded me with joy.

Gratitude has the power to change the way we see things in life, the change of perspective brings relief, peace and rest, actively thanking the rest of the soul through faith and trust in our God who never abandons us and He will provide because he cares for us, just as he did for his people Israel during 40 years of life in the desert.

God constantly rebuked Israel in the desert, because although they saw God's daily care in an environment where there was nothing, and they totally depended on God's provision, they did not learn to rest, to rest, their souls were in constant anguish Because they did not trust the love of God to keep them alive and well in the desert, they doubted the good of God. This story teaches us that doubt is fought with gratitude, as the scripture says in the book of Romans 8:28 And we know that to those who love God, all things work together for good, that is, to those who according to their purpose are called.

Book of Psalms 42: 5 Why are you downcast, my soul, and are you troubled within me? Wait on God; because I still have to praise him, my salvation and my God.

In all times, in abundance and in scarcity, in health and in sickness, in joy and in sadness, in strength and in weakness, in youth and in old age, in good times and in good times. bad, in company and in solitude, in wealth and poverty, whatever the situation, let us thank God.

Proverbs 22: 9 The generous will be blessed because he gives of his bread to the poor. The Bible.

10% of the gain of this publication is to support @heartchurch and 10% to @steemchurch for social program, Bread from Heaven

The salvation of the soul is received by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, believing in the power of forgiveness of sins through his death and resurrection, his shed blood cleanses us from sin enabling us to receive the Holy Spirit of God in our spirit, guaranteeing our salvation and giving us the right to be children of God.

We all need to be saved, believe sincerely in your heart and repeat the following prayer that by faith you may be saved.

Lord Jesus I receive you in my heart as my only and sufficient Lord and Savior, I believe and confess that you are God, I ask your forgiveness for all my sins, inscribe my name in the book of life, help me to live by you and for you, thank you for saving me, amen.

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