Let's do something for God

in HeartChurch3 years ago

God needs people who do good, who do what he wants to do here on earth.

The purpose of our life is to do God's will, whatever God wants to do. His will is always good.

We are here on earth to obey God, to be useful tools in his hands, to be the means by which God comes into the lives of others, according to God's desire, and using the means, strategies that he chooses, these can be anything, remember when God used ravens to bring meat and bread to the prophet Elijah? Ravens are animals that eat meat, how is it possible that they transported meat and did not eat it on the way, well only God can do that, God's desire was to use the ravens to accomplish the task of feeding Elijah, that is why we must have a broad mind and the willingness to accept new ways to bring God's love to others, new ways to speak the gospel to all.

As long as we have life, it is because we still have a task to fulfill for God.

If we want to have a good and long life on earth, we had better understand that we need to do what God wants us to do, we need to do something good, something useful for God.

Let us ask God to reveal to us, what we are going to do, what is the plan of life that he has for us.

God has plans for good and not for evil, in the Bible it is so written, it also says that we are chosen by him to fulfill a mission, it is always about doing good to others, we need to know how we are going to do it and it is God who will reveal it because he is the Director, Organizer and Planner of all good works.

God is a champion, it is a privilege to be chosen by God to work for him and be part of his team of champions.

Heartchurch works for God, Heartchurch is a team of champions!

Proverbs 22: 9 The generous will be blessed because he gives of his bread to the poor. The Bible.

10% of the gain of this publication is to support @heartchurch and 10% to @steemchurch for social program, Bread from Heaven

The salvation of the soul is received by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, believing in the power of forgiveness of sins through his death and resurrection, his shed blood cleanses us from sin enabling us to receive the Holy Spirit of God in our spirit, guaranteeing our salvation and giving us the right to be children of God.

We all need to be saved, believe sincerely in your heart and repeat the following prayer that by faith you may be saved.

Lord Jesus I receive you in my heart as my only and sufficient Lord and Savior, I believe and confess that you are God, I ask your forgiveness for all my sins, inscribe my name in the book of life, help me to live by you and for you, thank you for saving me, amen.

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