Flee From the Enemy.

Being brave is good when you have an unshakeable faith, when we know in whom we have placed the trust of our lives and we take possession of that place of son that God has given us, however this is not always recommended for everyone, because there are that they are still like babies in the spiritual hand, they are being suckled and they are not yet prepared for a spiritual war.


In the bible we find the example of Peter, a man who walked on the waters when Jesus harmed him, because he believed, but when he doubted he began to drown, why did this happen to him? Simply because he did not have the necessary confidence to continue on the path he had embarked on.

Even though he had experienced the power of God as he walked on water, at one point he doubted and it was enough not to continue that race.

This shows us that many times we have recognized that Jesus is our Savior and that we are more than conquerors, we must first practice it, prepare ourselves for war, and then face the great battles, that I am sure that with God's help he will be victorious.

Sometimes it is not prudent that you go out to battle without being prepared, many times it is better to run away, without looking back.

2 Timothy 2:22 says;
So he flees youthful passions and pursues righteousness, faith, love {and} peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.

It is conducive that today we move away from those things that can shake our faith, that can make us doubt the wonderful work that God did for us, increase your faith and your trust in God every day, make Him your strong rock, your refuge and your great hope.


I pray God that as many go through this post , their faith is rising, Amen.

Great post boss

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