Fear expresses itself as an attitude of anxiety or distress caused by concern over threat to a person’s well-being while speaking about fear the lord said in Matthew 10:28
“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
This verse of scripture contains some truth about fear which we should all recognize. One important lesson to learn here is that the emotion expressed as fear is not in itself evil; rather, it’s the direction this emotion is channelled to that can make it an evil thing.
We understand that God alone is to be feared, and moments of fear should be viewed as opportunities for developing a closer and deeper relationship with him.
What exactly is a snare, and how does fear become snare? The word “snare” is used in the Bible to describe a trap. In relation to mankind, it is a situation in which someone lies in wait to lunch a surprise attack against a person, or a trick by which a person he’s misled into acting against his own interest.
The Holy Spirit speaks on how fear can become a snare. Fear becomes snare when it comes in response to anything but God.
Job was ensnared by the fear of losing all he had, and that was exactly what happened to him. Whatever you fear has a way of controlling you, and that is why the Holy Spirit says that God is displeased whenever we exhibit fear for mere and mortals and creatures created by Him.
The fear of man is a snare that enslaves a person into living by the dictates of a fellow human, contrary to the will of God.
If you fear God you need not fear anything else, because God is supreme over all.