THE POWER IN A NAME | 10% to @heartchurch
A lot of individuals kept wondering why names are important. Well, to begin with, a name tells a lot about the person bearing the name. The Bible let us know that whatever Adam named the animals, that is what they were called from that moment. What you are called has severe out come on what you become.
The Almighty God takes names very seriously and that why He changed Abram’s name to Abraham, and also he changed Sarai’s name to Sarah. The Lord God Almighty also changed Jacob’s name to Israel. God changed their names when He wanted to lift them up. He gave them new names that showed what He want them to become.
The lesson we learnt us that if we want to move to a new level, we should start to bear the name for that level. Just as we see in Philippians 2:9-11, God exalted the Lord Jesus by giving Him a name that is above every other name. What is the next level that you desire to reach?. Start bearing the name that shows that new heigh from now.
However, if you think that you might lead you into one trouble or other by requesting people to call you that name, stand in front of your mirror and start to call yourself that name always. Some Christian answer to bad nicknames that aren't a reflection of who they actually want to be; worse still,some Christian even call themselves that bad names in a bid to appear modest.
Do not answer to that kind nicknames anymore. The name you answer to is what you will become last on in your life.