Liberation in God.

Greetings Siblings.

If in your life there are repeated cycles or events that occur continuously without you looking for them, then it is time to reflect, because you need liberation in God. Likewise, if at certain times of his life he goes through the same circumstances, he becomes depressed and feels that he is not moving, that means that this cycle needs to be broken. You need liberation in God from all kinds of oppression. This can happen economically, in the sentimental area, at work, in business, in friendships, in marriage, in health, etc.

All this means that there are negative forces that have not allowed you to move forward and always end in the same routine, sad and in great pain and if you move to another country, if you have not been released, that oppression will follow and will manifest at any time.


Only by knowing Jesus Christ and studying the truth of his word can we be truly free from all spiritual oppression and binding.

John 8: 31-32.
31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Everything we live in the physical world is controlled by the spiritual world. The word of God teaches that the human being without Jesus Christ, as a personal savior, is under ties of evil and that is why he thinks and practices evil. Jesus Christ said: "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." Only when we are confronted with the power of the truth of God's word can we experience the power of liberation. Then we stop doing the bad thing and we can start a dignified and new life.

 5 years ago 

Greetings Siblings.

God has called us to be truly free and this implies all our areas, if we have not felt that freedom in our life we must break with everything that is preventing our victory of freedom, only God makes man free with wisdom.
@ ricci01.

Yeah God wants us to be completely free. Thank you.