HeartChurch Update As Of 06-02-2021.
Welcome to the Official blog of HeartChurch Ministry International.
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We have seen with great pleasure your efforts to improve your publications and we hope to see even greater growth in the coming months.One of the relevant aspects in which we want to emphasize is the participation of Heartchurch activities, especially those where we are interacting with our token Heart.
At the moment we are involved with a new @dailytelos application with which we can use the token to write our diaries, previously we made a tutorial where the steps to write here are explained in detail.
We have established some rules or conditions for the special voting application mentioned in the previous publication, now in this new stage we will have a little more interaction with the blogs, we believe that each one has a life experience with which they can enrich the of others through these daily experiences, for this reason and in order to guarantee the massive participation in the activities of Heartchurch and promote Heart , we hope that in some of their publications their @dailytelos will be shared.
We will be supporting those publications that share their dailytelos entry, without losing the quality of their blog, this would be as a complement to their initial publication, we will be happy to know a little more about each of you as the family that we are.
You can invite your friends to use the diary in a practical and simple way, you can only get a jc account from the official Heartchurch site.
Do not forget to enter our Landing page:
Do not miss the new tool available to us: dailytelos, all the details on the website:
You can join us on our telegram channel:
Gracias a Dios porque en estos tiempos tan difíciles, Él ha abierto puertas. Para mí esta comunidad ha sido de gran bendición, creo que Dios la ha usado para enriquecerme como persona y el poder actuar con ustedes. Gracias de antemano por todas las bendiciones recibidas en esta comunidad.
Estoy dispuesto a poner un granito de arena para que esta comunidad siga adelante y para que muchos puedan ser bendecidos.
Gracias @darlenys01, gracias @steemchurch. Dios los siga usando para su honra y gloria, feliz noche
Saludos @darlenys01. Importante información y actualización de @HeartChurch. Me estaré actualizando para ingresar en el DailyTelos y comenzar a compartir mis diarios. Bendiciones.