Happy 4th Anniversary HeartChurch

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the Official Blog of HeartChurch Ministry International.


Isaiah 52: 7
Reina-Valera 1960
7 How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings glad tidings, who announces peace, who brings good news, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion: Your God reigns!


Today, a very special day on our path, it is already 4 years since God led the way, although this community may have started from a humble beginning, it is surprising to see how it has brought together such a large community of faith over the years. I know that there are many people who through us have received blessings with some word, some action.

On this HeartChurch anniversary, I would like to congratulate all those who have been a part of the ministry and who have used it to do so much good.

He who has a word, a vision of God in his heart cannot stop himself even in difficult times, nor in insecurities, nor by the opposite thought, nor by doubts, none of that can stop a purpose, perhaps many do not They have managed to see it, I have a word for today:

Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when the plowman will overtake the reaper, and the one who treads the grape the one who sows the seed; when the mountains will drop sweet wine, and all the hills will melt.
Amos 9:13

This is a time of great changes and great advances, many opportunities that will definitely mark a before and after in our lives.

Today I said many things to God, I was grateful for this time and I was thinking about how I could give a little of all the love received, and the answer was the same as always:

Giving life, when we give our time to those in need we are really offering part of our being.
In this way, and with the help of identified collaborators, we are on the street with the "Solidarity Christmas"Campaign from Venezuela, Sotillo Municipality in a beautiful place full of light and hope like the Sea, we share special moments with people.












Certainly, there are countless reasons for gratitude that were mixed with the emotion of a beautiful morning where, united in the same spirit, we were the protagonists of a meeting that will remain engraved in the hearts of all those present ... some could not believe that someone would look for them to give him water, a juice or a simple breakfast, perhaps it is the best way to say:
God is here.

"Four years" that represent a time of expansion like never before, where responsibilities are increased in order to extend the task of multiplication, evangelization, bearers of good news in the midst of so much chaos.

A special thanks to all those who are here, in the now, putting their two cents in this work, we have also laughed and cried on many occasions but always with faith and our eyes fixed on Jesus.

Ricci I love you very much, thank you for always helping me regardless of the time or the problems, to those who have opened their houses for Bread From Heaven, also to those who have done it with Chicken Farms, they write to them every day they are always present, Also @maxdevalue, @praise-eu, @elpastor, @mildreduh, @mariela, @opeyemioguns just to mention a few but all those who write daily and are present in the virtual part are appreciated and without you it would not be possible to build.

Also a special thanks to that person who trusted me to take many things to the realm of reality and who has also supported me in all my follies throughout these four years, always wishing that God illuminates his steps and continues to mark that destiny with divine purpose.

Without a doubt, they are all wonderful people.

Thanks to God and Thanks to all your servers.

Action carried out in the Paseo de La Cruz Y el Mar in the City of Puerto la Cruz Anzoategui State Venezuela in the Christmas Solidarity Campaign, in search of those who live on the streets. The Photographs are property of HeartChurch.

Oficial Director @darlenys01 - About me - Discord: Darlenys#3923

This post was written for HeartChurch by @darlenys01


 3 years ago 

Thanks for all the remarkable impact made around the world. Happy anniversary HeartChurch

Happy anniversary, thanks to the whole team and may God illuminate each day that comes with his light.

Sister you are unstoppable.

🎉🎉 Feliz aniversario, que sigan siendo instrumento en las manos de Dios para bendecir a las naciones! 🎊🎊🎉🎇

More strength Apostle @darlenys01

Brillante trabajo, apostol @darlenys01. Dios te siga aumentando en gracia, sabiduría, paz y mucho amor. Éxito en lo porvenir.

 3 years ago 

Congratulations ... God is always in control. We believe with conviction that God will honor this project and expand it to great multitudes according to his eternal purpose.
God is great and faithful good! What is of God will remain forever. Happy Anniversary!

Happy 4th anniversary to heartchurch, and i pray for more better years ahead and more of Gods grace to flourish in this community as well.

Dios bendiga grandemente este proyecto y que siga creciendo para la honra y gloria de Dios. A la apóstol @darlenys01 gracias por esta gran oprotunidad que nos da de escribir y plasmar en esta comunidad lo que Dios nos ha dado.

Felicitaciones y mchas bendiciones

Feliz Aniversario y felicidades por todos esos proyectos que van llevando y manifestando la presencia de Dios en cada una de esas personas con su solidaridad. ¡Que continúen los Éxitos!

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