Upward and forward only!

in HeartChurch3 years ago


10% for @heartchurch

We read it inside the Bible that even at Abraham's old age, he was very rich, because he was blessed by God in everythings he does. He was rich in silver, he was rich in cattle, and in gold (Genesis 13:2). He had herds of cattle, so many sheep, many goats, etc. And then in Genesis 24:1, we still read what is beautiful about Abraham; it says, Abraham was old, and he was well old age: and the LORD had blessed Abraham in everythings.” The life of Abraham was promotion from glory to glory; no downtimes.

This is the plan of God for your life; accelerate and forward only. God don't want a something whereby, somewhere along the journey of your life, you will be addressed as someone that used to be rich; He has ordained your prosperity to be for forever. You are the just of God and justify one, and the scripture says, “…the path of the just is like a light that's shining, that shines more and more to the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18). That is the story and sequence of the life of those that belong to Christ.

So, just because you are retired doesn’t mean you should go broke; the Bible says “So then those that be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham” (Galatians 3:9). You are blessed with faithful Abraham, and of the larger of your wealth and prosperity, there shall be no stop to that! Glory be God!

 3 years ago 

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