in HeartChurch3 years ago


Hi everyone. It's been a wonderful day form me. A stress-free one I must confess. I had a sound sleep and I felt a bit refreshed compared to every other days. Maybe it's because today happened to be work-free day for all workers in this part of the world. Nevertheless, I enjoyed every seconds of the day. So many thoughts crossed this little mind of mine when I finally woke up from sleep. You see! As much as it's good to rest well because of the body, one must see to it that this is done when the body needs it. Been able to sleep is a gift on its own as it helps the body relaxed and refreshed. However, making it a way of life will not only delay ones destiny, it can abort it too.
Welcome to my blog. I feel excited to share with you this topic.

Matthew 13:25.

But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

Men who had done things meaningful and impactful to their generation are men who understands that one is not here on Earth to sleep. They dwell in the mentality that time is an investment. When you sleep(though it's very good), you automatically loose consciousness of your environment. I remembered been filmed while sleeping by one of my friend. After the fin of it, I realize that when we sleep, we loose every sense of our being. Just like I had earlier stated, Sleep is good for the physical body but in the realm of the spirit, you don't lose your guard let alone sleep. When you sleep in the Spirit, you begin to expose yourself to the antique and Wiles of the devil. You will automatically become vulnerable. Just like the anchor text made us understand. The enemy couldn't penetrate man, he could not come close to man. The Bible recorded that men engaged in this activity that is kinda beneficial to the body but not to the spirit. It was when men slept that the enemy could show that which is not supposed to be sown. It was while men slept that the tares was introduced to the lives of men against the husband man who wants it that men should be fruitful and multiply. The Lord wants our lives bear fruits. There wouldn't have been any problem if we had stood our ground without going to sleep. If had kept watch, the tares would not have been sown.

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There is need for every believer to arise and take full responsibility as Christ's Ambassador's by staying awake in the spirit. Spiritual sleep is a state of been cold, lukewarm, inactive and unconscious in the realm of the spirit. SPIRITUAL sleep can abort purpose. We must all arise to take up the responsibility of been awake in the spirit. This is a matter of urgency that must be treated all on time.

To be awake in the spirit is to be watchful in prayers

1 Peter 4:7.

But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.

This is a wake-up call to everyone of us that the end is at hand. The one sure way this can be attained is to stay AWAKE IN THE SPIRIT. We must be watchful because our enemy is moving to and fro seeking for whom to devour. Seeking the one who will sleep in the SPIRIT. He devours by sowing another thing against what the husband man had planted.

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To be awake also implies living a life of constant response to the Spirit of God. A life that is active in the program and plan of God.
How we know that you are awake in the spirit is your response to the things of God. You cannot say you're awake and not participate in God's plan and agenda.

I appreciate your time! Gracias

A big thank you to all the entire leaders and parishioners of this great church on the blockchain @heartchurch. @dwayne16 is such a wonderful friend turn brother.



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