in HeartChurch2 years ago

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, trepidation and restlessness that has always been present in people, and since we obviously live in a completely unstable world, it is normal for many people to suffer from this unpleasant feeling, but currently it has undergone a rapid change of great relevance in all stages of life and globally, which is reaching unprecedented levels as the vicissitudes of daily life overwhelm most people with worry


We have never lived in a world as unstable as the current one, wherever we find problems and all kinds of limitations, together with the pandemic, war, political, social and economic problems... and these have overwhelmed the majority of the world's population with anguish.

(according to the World Health Organization), stated Miguel Pérez de la Mora, from the Institute of Cellular Physiology (IFC) the following:
" More than 264 million suffer from anxiety worldwide in his opinion this is. a non-fatal disease, but with a sensation of death, hence the diversity in its approach and interpretations. Anxiety is the most important psychiatric disorder in the world, with which more than 264 million people live"


According to the National Institutes of Health, about 1 in 3 teens between the ages of 13 and 18 may have an anxiety disorder. The number is increasing; Between 2007 and 2012, anxiety disorders in children and adolescents increased by 20%.
These statistics, combined with the fact that the rate of hospital admissions of adolescents who attempt suicide has also doubled in the past decade, leave us with alarming questions.
(By: Claire McCarthy, MD, FAAP)

In this order of ideas, this percentage is extremely alarming since these are statistics corresponding to 2007-2012, respectively, which indicates that after 10 years these have intensified much more, leaving an uncertain future for humanity worldwide.

The actions and determinations coupled with our lifestyle influence this feeling of anxiety that has entered the condition of a new era; which occurs many times due to: anguish due to past mistakes, due to all the adverse circumstances that the political and social boom has brought to all of humanity, concern for the future, economic concerns, concerns about diseases...

However, the most alarming and worrying thing is that there is currently an important conglomerate in the world affected by this feeling in children, young people and adolescents when in the past the statistics were very low and were found more in adults, it seems that everything has changed and this It has entered all stages of life with great force, where today it most conditions the lives of famous young people and adolescents.


We know that anxiety is a basic emotion that all human beings experience; but when it occurs in young children it is more worrying since they are more sensitive to the situations that surround their environment and allow them to access this type of feeling, in addition, anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent in childhood and adolescence, That is why the family or the parents must join forces to solve this situation before they fall into a strong depression.


From this perspective, anxiety is a feeling that can be combated in time, although there are many people who seek help in medicine or science; Others prefer to do it incorrectly through vices, specifically men when they are being attacked by this evil, but the Bible advises us the correct way to alleviate this evil that is devastating humanity.

It is true that people who go through anxiety are those who worry too much about the reality we live in, but with God's help we can get ahead because he tells us:

Matthew 11:28-30
28 Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

God has promised to give us rest and help us in the midst of any affliction, in addition to giving us correct principles to apply to our children and family.

(Matthew 6:34)

  1. “Never worry about the next day, because the next day will bring its own worries. There is enough with the problems of every day”

This advice can lead us to trust more in God than in the circumstances, to put our eyes on God and not worry so much about the future because God can give us strength when we have none and he can help us in every situation

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