in HeartChurch3 years ago

Human beings are very dependent and we always look for a way to depend on something or someone; because as biological beings we need air, water, food to live... and as social and spiritual

beings we need to meet a series of needs that we often make indispensable in our surrounding world and that we attach to our lives according to the values we receive or the culture we belong to.

The truth is that each person goes in search of their destiny moving in a complicated world, but wanting to access a better world.


In this order of ideas, it is normal and we constantly see it in our environment that people have diversity of thoughts, customs, ideas... which means that currently in the world of "belief" destiny and karma can be "true" ; because it must be recognized that each person has an inner world and acts for what he believes, even if it is not the absolute truth; each person makes a reality of what he believes

Considering that "karma" in the Buddhist religion and in Hinduism, is a belief according to which every action has a dynamic force that is expressed and influences the successive existences of the individual"


In this sense, there is a conglomerate of people who believe in this religion and assume destiny based on what people do as cause-effect

Indeed, several dharmic religions believe that "karma (in Sanskrit, कर्म) is a transcendent energy (invisible and immeasurable) that is generated from the acts of people. ... Karma explains human dramas as the reaction good or bad actions carried out in the more or less immediate past".

Destiny is known as the supernatural force that acts on human beings and the events they face throughout their lives. Destiny would be an inevitable succession of events from which no person can escape.

I personally believe in the universal law of "sowing and reaping" and every cause has an effect, because I have always believed that the actions of people determine their future or destiny, although I am a Christian and I believe in the holy scriptures; I believe that destiny is not a matter of chance but of choice. Could you understand that there is a contradiction in my reflection? but no, not at all then, I am convinced that God has a destiny and a beautiful purpose for all humanity. However, here is where the limitation is presented so that the man or woman can understand that destiny has to be chosen by me or by you; because it is already written and we have to go after it when we understand that our destiny is in the hands of God but it is up to us to take it; So we take it or let it go


"Fate is the one that shuffles the cards, but we are the ones who play"
-William Shakespeare-

"Men are the owners of their destiny. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in the stars, but in our vices."
-William Shakespeare-

I like these thoughts, since I believe that it is we ourselves who choose our destiny; and it is not anyone's fault but simply our actions that yes, I believe that the result, that is to say whatever the end of our destiny was, has a lot to do with our values and the direction of God in our lives

I think there are countless people who have changed their destiny. Why? because I believe that you are the only owner of your destiny and only you choose it. How? According to the Christian Faith, the person who makes good use of his actions, by choosing to do the Will of God, is recognizing that only God can provide him with the full happiness that he longs for himself and for all humanity. It also recognizes that only God can lead souls to the best destination; but it is a decision of you or mine since each person is capable of voluntarily choosing his actions and it is that person who chooses his path and builds his destiny

Obviously as a Christian I believe that I must promote my destiny together with the plans that God has established since the foundation of the world so that all men work for the good and that is where I believe that by doing the will of God we cannot escape the destiny that God has provided for us since it is obvious that we all have a destiny and we really cannot escape from it when we are aware that it exists and that we must maintain it according to our actions
He who sows reaps, and he who believes in God and in the word expects to have a glorious destiny since he trusts that his destiny is a choice that he has made based on the sacred scriptures; because he who believes nothing expects nothing and bases his actions on luck

Although karma differs from the word of God, since the sacred scriptures are not based on "religion" but on good news of salvation for man, we must understand that if our actions are bad we are diverting the destiny that God has for us already that his plans are good and not bad.

I believe that we are the only owners of our destiny. Our decision is in our steps in what we want to do with our life, our world and our environment. God has given us all the tools to make our life the best destination

In another order of ideas, " a typical response to a belief in destiny is resignation; If we can't change destiny, then why should we even try? What will happen, will happen, and we can't do anything about it. This is called "fatalism," and it is not biblical".

In this way I conclude that our actions and decisions have a lot to do with our destiny and effectively karma also assumes that every action influences the individual, a thought that is also expressed in the bible with respect to the fact that we are what we do and we reap what we sow. because everything has a consequence in this life

I clarify, with this I am not saying that karma is "the truth" but that there are things that truly influence the surrounding world by our actions and decisions

I firmly believe in destiny, I believe in God as the author and creator of life; but I believe in a destiny that I fight with perseverance, dedication that I seek through the word of God but that has to do with my decisions with my eyes on the author and finisher of faith

When the bible speaks of destiny, it refers to a destiny that people have brought upon themselves because although God is sovereign and the author of our destiny; He has given us the ability to obey or disobey, letting it be ourselves who decide to find our destiny according to his wisdom, so let's remember that the Bible also alerts us about the law of cause and effect and that cannot be invalidated

In this way, karma and destiny coincide since everything that happens to a man or a woman is the result of their actions and everything is summed up in cause_effect.

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