OVERCOME DEPRESSIONsteemCreated with Sketch.

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Psalm 143:3-10 gives a description of depression and how to overcome it. Let’s look at this passage in detail to see the steps we can take to overcome this attack of the enemy:


1. Identify the nature and cause of the problem.

For the enemy has pursued and persecuted my soul, he has crushed my life down to the ground; he has made me to dwell in dark places as those who have been long dead (Psalm 143:3).

Notice that the cause or source of this depression, this attack upon the soul, is Satan.

2. Recognize that depression steals life and light.

Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed and faints within me (wrapped in gloom); my heart within my bosom grows numb (Psalm 143:4).

Depression oppresses a person’s spiritual freedom and power.

Our spirit (empowered and encouraged by God’s Spirit) is powerful and free. Therefore, Satan seeks to oppress its power and liberty by filling our mind with darkness and gloom. Please realize that it is vital to resist the feeling called “depression“ immediately upon seeing its arrival. The longer it is allowed to remain, the harder it becomes to resist.

3. Remember the good times.

I remember the days of old; l meditate on all Your doings; l ponder the work of Your hands (Psalm 143:5).

In this verse, we see the psalmist’s response to his condition. Remembering, meditating, and pondering are all functions of the mind. He obviously knows that his thoughts will affect his feelings, so he gets busy thinking about the kind of things that will help him overcome the attack upon his mind.

4. Praise the Lord in the midst of the problem.

I spread forth my hands to You; my soul thirsts after You like a thirsty land (for water). Selah (pause, and calmly think of that) (Psalm 143:6)!

The psalmist knows the importance of praise; he lifts his hands in worship. He declares what his need truly is - he needs God. Only the Lord can cause him to feel satisfied.

Far too often when people get depressed, it is because they are in need of something, and they seek it in the wrong place, which only adds to their problems.

In Jeremiah 2:13 the Lord said, For My people have committed two evils: they have forsaken Me, the Foundation of living waters, and they have hewn for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns which cannot hold water.

God alone can water a thirsty soul. Don’t be deceived into thinking that anything else can satisfy you fully and completely. Chasing after the wrong thing will always leave you disappointed, and disappointment opens the door for depression.

5. Ask for God’s help.

Answer me speedily, O Lord, for my spirit fails; hide not Your face from me, lest l become like those who go down into the pit (the grave) Psalm 143:7.

The psalmist asks for help. He is basically saying, “Hurry up, God, because I am not going to be able to hold on very much longer without You.”

6. Listen to the Lord.

Cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning, for on You do l lean and in You do l trust. Cause me to know the way wherein l should walk, for l lift up my inner self to You (Psalm 143:8).

The psalmist knows that he needs to hear from God. He needs to be assured of God’s love and kindness. He needs God’s attention and direction.

7. Pray for deliverance.

Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies; l flee to You to hide me (Psalm 143:9).

Once again the psalmist is declaring that it is only God Who can help him.

You will notice that throughout this discourse he is keeping his mind on God and not on the problem.

8. Seek God’s wisdom, knowledge, and leadership.

Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; let Your good Spirit lead me into a level country and into the land of uprightness (Psalm 143:10).

Perhaps the psalmist is indicating that he has gotten out of the will of God and this opened the door for the attack on his soul. He wants to be in God’s will for he now realizes that it is the only safe place to be.

Then he requests that God help him to be stable. I believe his phrase, “Lead me into a level country,” refers to his unsettled emotions. He wants to be level - not up and down.

Now how about you?

courtesy of Joyce Meyer.


This is so deep ...God bless you for this mgs

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