in HeartChurch3 years ago

Source: www.pinterest.es

One day at the ninth hour brother Peter and Brother John were going to the temple for prayers, and met at the gate a man beggar who had never walked since he was born. When the crippled beggar was happy seeing Peter and John, maybe as devote worshippers they would give him reasonable gifts. Though the crippled beggar was disappointed but he got the best gift of his life. Peter and John had no money to to give to him but offered him what they had. They had no material gift for the crippled beggar but Jesus Christ and his power to perform miracles they had. “Silver and gold we do not have but we shall give you what we have”, they said to him. “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth get up and walk”. Peter lifting him up by his hands, the man continually walked, praising the God of Miracles and entered the temple with them. Ref. Acts 3:1-8

We have been told that this man expected to receive/take something from them and erroneously thought it included receiving his healing. This is far from the picture here. What is depicted here is that despite the FAITH command; the man would have stayed put, not giving action to get his miracle. Literally, Peter had to force him to act. Not until Peter grabbed him up, did the man attempt anything. It was in the act that the miracle ensued. We must act like if what God said has happened/is happening, then it will happen.

Imagine how embarrassed Peter would have been if after the command and lifting up the fellow, nothing happened. Peter was ready to put his reputation on the line because he trusted God above all else (he was fully persuaded that what God promised, He was able to perform). God showed up to confirm/perform His word. You must be ready to put your reputation on the line trusting God's integrity. Give action to your faith! You will note that despite Peters faith command, the man did not obey. He had to be made to obey. He was told to stand and walk, yet he didn't. He was then made to before he could. The man could have rationalised thus: "Can't Peter see that I am paralysed? Is he mad to tell me to rise? When I am well, then I will rise. Till then, count me out. Once I can see that my legs are ok, before I will rise". He would have remained lame! Compare this to these portions of the bible.
Acts 9:32-34 and Acts 14:8-10.

And it happened that Peter was going through all those cities to go down also to the saints living in Lud. And he found some man there named Aeneas, who was paralyzed, lying on a pallet for eight years. And Peter said to him, Aeneas, Y’shua Messiah is healing you : you must rise and you must immediately take care of your own pallet. And he got up at once. Acts 9:32-34

Source: images.knowing-jesus.com

And in Lystra a certain man who never walked, without strength in his feet, was sitting, lame from his mother’s womb. He heard Paul speaking: who when Paul fixed his eyes on him, since he saw that the man had faith to be delivered, he said in a loud voice, “You must get straight up on your feet right now.” And he did spring up and he was walking. Acts 14:8-10

These 2 cases contrast that in the first instance with Peter. They both had similar problems like the first, but these ones acted on the command of faith and took their answers by themselves. They didn't need to be lifted up. They acted in accordance with the word. Act! Has a faith command been given to you? Or have you given a faith command? Don't wait to see first or you will never see. Start doing (as if it is already happening), then you will see. That is actually the kernel of Mark 11:23-24. As soon as the command is given, believe it is happening. If it is happening, what next? Do the what next!

Have you asked God for something? Then act like you have been given it. If you have it, what will you be doing? Start doing it then! God is waiting on you and not the other way round! The word called "receive" in the bible actually means to "take". Take it! The testimony (verse 8) only happens if the action (verse 7) is done.


What a great teaching is a powerful revelation, to follow the command that God gives or that I give by acting as if it has already happened, this is snatching out of God's hands what he has arranged for us his children.

Thanks for coming around. God bless you. appreciate.

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