The Word of God is ever sure

in HeartChurch3 years ago

The Word of God is ever sure; it's surer than the experiences you can ever have. Psalm 18:30 says, “the word of the LORD is tried As for God, his way is perfect: he buckles to all those that have trust in him.” One of the things that you have to practise consciously is taking God at His Word by acting on His Word, no matter the situation or problems you find yourself. His Word is what we can call integrity. He said "So shall my word be that go out of my mouth and it shall not return to me void, but it shall come to pass that which I please, and it shall thrive in the thing whiter I sent it.”(Isaiah 55:11)


It could be a health crisis you are confronting and confronted with; the Word assures your divine health. You don't need to cry and beg God for healings; He has already gave you something that's better than healing which is his life in you. That's your right and the assurance for a life of sovereignty on disease, sickness and feebleness. Have faith in the Word of God. Take that whatever is is He says is fact, and then act according to it.

Everything in the whole Holy Book chronicle is redemption work of Christ, the implication of all that He established in our behalf, and the testament impermeable in His death. Only these accounts are genuine and believable, they were sent to us to live by. So, it doesn't matter what you hear, what you feel, what you see or what you have experienced; the Bible says, “There are more sure word of prophecy; whereunto you do well that you take notice, like a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:19).

There is something that's more credible than your experience; more than the pain you might be going through; it's the Word of God's grace. Hold on to the Word of God. Although things may not be changing as you expected, but keep on concuring the Word of God regarding that problem, until faith rise up in you like a giant. Faith receive and honor the Word more than the natural attends of life. This is why it's important for you to meditate on the Word regularly and build your faith strong.

When your faith is strong, it makes no difference what you see, what you hear or what you feel; it does not matter how negative or not possible things may seems in the naturally, you willl always win.


Yes I support you......

God is always God and His word are A and Amen

God's word is yes and Amen and he sent his word and his word never return void it must accomplish the work which he had sent it. This world will pass away but his word stands forever.

The bible is the safest tool, so we must keep it above everything and everyone ...

Excellent post.

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