in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

What is the essence of speaking rhema to a congregation who only simply understand "Jesus loves you".What is the essence of the big big Grammer and display of charisma to a congregation who only needed to hear "Jesus loves you" and then their soul is lifted.

Don't be under any pressure to hear people shouting "ride on papa! Hmmmmm!.rhema! O deep! while you minister. It is not a criteria to know those whose life are touched or blessed, most shout that same way and go home to continue the bad habit, the whole shout ended right there in the church.
Don't search the scripture under pressure, with the mindset of getting head knowledge ,so that when you mount the pulpit, rhema must fall and people will be excited to listen to you.

Seek God and know what He wants you to tell to His people, if all what God wants you to say to the church is just "Jesus loves you", don't b too adamant and tell God that it is not deep enough and then you go in search of the "deep one", so that when you speak a word, there will be shout every corner.

Let me ask, do you know the sheep more than the shepherd?. How come you don't just tell the sheep what the shepherd wants them to hear, no matter how simple it might sound to you. Just speak the word and let the shepherd breath His life upon it, allow Him do His thing.

Don't elaborate, don't exaggerate, don't add, don't subtract, don't blow gigantic grammer, it is not a criteria to know who is speaking life to men.

Hear God, so that people can hear God also when you speak. Atimes, you can be teaching or preaching and all you hear is "silence". Everyone is just calm and focus, it doesn't mean you are not speaking life, it doesn't mean they are not getting blessed. You will be surprised that after that meeting, most will run back to their secret place, some will desire to know more of God.

It's really not about the eloquency or the charisma, it is that you are saying what God wants you to say, if it comes so simple, say it. If it comes deep, say it. Don't be under pressure to please the congregation, study the word with the heart of God and not with the mindset of going to make the congregration shout "rhema!!!!".

Those who still need to hear and learn the simple things of God are many, so if God wants you to start from those simple simple things, please do. Don't be under pressure to go deeper, the people may not understand. You might just be the answer to those set of people. I know you understand deeper things of God, but if God is asking you to teach those simple things, please do.

The most important thing is that God be glorify!

 3 years ago 

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