Aband or Continue

in HeartChurch3 years ago

In this career that is life, we must always be willing to make decisions, because there are situations that will demand it, even without us wanting it.


There will come moments where it will be necessary to continue or abandoning will be the only way out. That is when we must begin to discern what we really want, be clear with what goals and plans we have in life, where we are going, what we want to keep, what we need in our life, these are the important points when taking decisions.

Continuing is not easy when it seems that there is a whole world against you, but abandoning is not easy either, when you have put a world, your life and your heart in that now you must say goodbye to me.

Although it may seem, no situation is easy when it depends on the circumstances in which we find ourselves, that is proven, then we can say that we should make this decision only when we study and analyze in what type of situation we find ourselves.

When it is necessary to initiate withdrawal and abandon, it is not easy, it is a really painful process, and those who have experienced that feeling when leaving something they love know what I am talking about, it is something that implies in addition to strength, to fight with mixed feelings.

To continue requires a lot of courage, when to achieve an end you feel that the world is against you, a lot of courage is needed, even when the same people you love tell you that you cannot, you must fight for what you want and also against those emotions that Emotions are generated by not having the support of those you care about.

Sometimes it can be said that it is much more painful to give up than to continue, because to continue what is needed is courage and courage, instead the process of abandonment generates a lot of pain and sadness in the heart.

That is why we must prepare for both one and the other, although it is uncertain when you must face these situations, if you are clear about your life project, you will know what decision to make.

We must strive, be determined, learn and grow spiritually so that with God's help we can be wise in situations of uncertainty.


Thanks for sharing this , dear. When you make the wrong choice in life you realise that life had no meaning. Keep it up dear.

Busquemos respuesta a nuestras desiciones importantes en la palabra de Dios y su paz que sobre pasa todo entendimiento llenara nuestro corazón, Dios te bendiga

Me identifico con ese tipo de situaciones, todos en menor o mayor grado hemos pasado por ella y puedo decir con certeza que solo con la dirección de Dios , podemos tomar la decisión correcta aunque en cualquiera de los casos suele ser dolorosa , pero tenemos un Dios poderoso y bueno para sanar las heridas.

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