Commandments of Men or of God?

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Matthew 15 verse 8 and 9 gives us a sample of what would be the thoughts of God regarding the behavior of man, who only deals with what is in view, what his lips say, but not what is in the heart.


8 This people honors me with their lips; But, his heart is away from me. 9 For in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. Man has his own criteria, but this should be used to please God in everything, not only from the mouth to the outside, it is not enough to say things that we do not even feel, or that we do not practice.

He who knows the will of God and does not do it, all is in vain. We must be very careful in the things we do or say, we cannot add to what comes from God things that do not come from Him but from us.

The same bible teaches us how the apostle Paul in some of his writings clarifies that there are things that he thought came from him and not from God, with great fear of God, however, being a man consecrated to God, he was supported by Him .

Sometimes we ourselves are the ones who prevent the other from knowing God, instead of teaching them the love of God and what He can do with their life, we present obstacles, things or situations that only make the person move further away from God.

Sometimes it is used even in burdens, since they are doctrines of men so heavy that since they cannot be fulfilled, then it burdens the person in such a way that the solution he finds is to flee.

Brothers, let us not continue to be a stumbling block for those around us, let us think and act in love, as Jesus would do, God is a being full of love, mercy and compassion, and even if we fail, if we are determined to separate ourselves from that, He happened to us and will transform our life.

Who are we to set rules that stumble others?

Let it be God through his Holy Spirit to convict each one, and rather let us take care not only to give praise from the lips but also that our heart is aligned with his word and his will, that we honor him with our life and not with lips.

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